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That over there , well he is my cousin . And the what he says , you never forget. It how it's been and how it always is . Keith's a little taller than average , muscular but not too muscular. His hair looks like umm well James Dorman. But he kinda looks like taylor Lautner. He has wisdom far beyond his years and that's what makes him different , Besides being really successful for his age or having to practically raise me sense I was 9. He's stern and serious on the out side . He has a heart Hidden somewhere in his mind and every now and than I find it .
" Sam "
" come here "
" once second " I shouted back . I should hurry , you never get Keith mad. The lady still standing I front of me . Her hair is grey and slicked back into a ponytail. She has a sun hat on with a bird and birds nest on top of it. She's skinny and looks like shes 53. "I must be leaving , good day to you " The lady said pressing her lips together Into a gentle smile . "Um thank you , have a nice day" I watched her walk away, a weird felling in gut . I then slowly ran back to where Keith was .

"Who is she Sam ?" Keith looked nervous .He pulled me close to him like he thought someone was gonna steel me . He's was protective of me . Me being 13 and him being 25 and my legal guardian . " I don't know , she came over and said i should cherish what you say and everything . " it was weird and scary having a total stranger act like she knew me like she knew us . Keith scanned the horizon , he was looking for something or someone , probable the lady . "Let's head home " he said it so quick . His pricing blue eyes were trying to be intimidating as the scanned , but something about them had an adolescent look. He still looked stern , he near lightened up all the years I have been living with him but he has his moments.
" let's head home " he said again this time moved , his voice had a hint of nervous/scared to it . He wrapped his arm around me and lightly squeezed. " you ok?" He was acting like a dad figure . I didn't mind though . He does it all the time , I've gotten used to it . Used to his strict rules and behaviors. Like calling him Mr.K when he takes me with him on his business trips. It just easier than explaining my life story .
" yeah... I'm fine " resting my head below his shoulder but above his chest . He was muscular but not to muscular , he had the perfect amount of muscles . " you sure ?" Now I was getting a little irritated . Like I said I was fine , just give me some freaken space . God he's smothering me . He probably noticed the break in my sentence. " yes, I'm fine !" I tried my best no to get mad or make a scene , but I did , and didn't care . He noticed but didn't say anything . I know I'll be in trouble later. He has a high position in life high authorities, I have to mimic it . I can't make him look bad and he can't make me look bad ... It equals out in the long run. Keith let go of his tight squeeze . He fixed his tie on his suit , gripped his brief case and wrapped his arm around me and squeezed me tighter . All was right and safe, even though I knew he was hiding something , I think he knew the woman .

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