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"I'm an agent/spy for the government. I have a code name of blue. I need a name if I ever wanted to live a somewhat normal life. I also needed a job where I would go on business trips so I took up the family business of being a layer. Every thing I've ever done is to protect you. Their are people who want to kill me or investigate me . I'm highly ranked I know only what 5 others know in this whole world. " it felt nice to tell them the truth. To not all ways have to lie about where I'm going . The cuts and bruises I blame on when I go boxing. "You may not tell anyone or we will wipe your memory and you will not remember anything that happens in the last 2 days. We are taking you to level 0 . Were you will live and train . " I still remember my fist time coming to this secret place. I needed a job and I asked my friend Mathew. He got me a job here after many background searches and lie detector test and other crap I started working here as a spy. Now Mathews agent 0. Mathew is 37, and looks like umm Chris pine. He has two kids names Clare (14)and tyler(8)and a wife named Becky(35) . " why do we have to train ?" Blinking slowly I looked at Sam. She wasn't ready for this. Neither was max . I looked down at my thumb and twirled then my head bowed down . My elbows on my legs . We we're still in the jet talking. Jasper had to clearance us to go past the guards and shit. " an agent gave away the top 2 agents identities away. Now there are people who know who we are , and are real names . Your guys will train like your going to be spies yourself. This will help you in case anyone tries to hurt you. One we enter you will all get a spy watch and tracking neckless, you must wear these at all times. Understood?!" Mathews voice becoming crisp and cold . He was better at hiding is emotion and being cold and tuff. He's had a worse past than me . "I SAID UNDERSTAND?" His voice booming as he coldly strictly spoke to the kids. He was in full dominate mode and nothing was going to make him stop. "Yes" his eyebrow arching up has he slowly glared at them ."YESS ...Sir" the kids finally spat out. Taking a cautious breathe. "For the next 2 weeks you will stay here . You may not go anywhere without permission or you will be disciplined ( chores, cleaning, extra training, early bed) . One we walk in their will be a sign saying rooms you will look for the room with your names on it. You four kids will stay in one room (bunk beds , tv, bathroom almost like a really simple hotel). Across the hall it were me and Emma will be and Mathew , Becky will be in the room next to you. UNDERSTAND?!" My voice with the same time as Mathews . "Yes sir" the kids said this time more quickly and easily without hesitation.

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