Photo shoot

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Keith's pov

"Sam" I slightly shake her has the jet landed . I didn't want to wake her up yet. She looked so peaceful and calm. She's hasn't moved a muscle since the beginning of the trip. The jet to L.A. Seemed like it took forever, especially when you have a child laying on you like your a bed. You can't really go anywhere cause than they turn into a grump. At least she's old enough to know what areas to keep away from. My cousin whose 4 likes sleep on me and he always finds that one spot . At least he's light but it still hurts. The hotel wanted to expand its chain and L.A. thought it was the perfect place. And than I had a meeting with American eagle. While I have the meeting sam's going to do some modeling for the company . Their trying to reach out to middle schoolers . "Sam.. Wake up .. We're here " softly moving her hair and tucking it behind her ear i could hear a slight mummer. She didn't want to wake up .. Don't blame her . I could sleep for 5 more hours if I could. She was awake but didn't want to see the light . "Keith , what time is it?" Sam's voice sounded dry and soft ... You could tell she just woke up. " it's 12:15 , I'm going to take a shower than you , we have to be ready by 1:00 . Oh and change in to a casual dress .. Please ... Sweatpants and uggs don't really scream serous. ". I don't know if it was me but I sounded like a freaking control freak. The jet had a bathroom , had the couch were you would sit , a little eating nook, and cabinet with food. It felt nice to stand . With my tingling legs I was walking to the shower like a drunk person.

(15mins ) black pants , black suit , a pale teal color tie on a white button up shirt. The same pale teal cuff links and black leather belt. Black shoes and slicked back hair . And then my favorite thing my Rolex watch. I was already but sam who God knows what she doing . "SAM" we only have 45 mins and she's not even ready. I tried being nice but that didn't work. Why can't I just pick her up and spank her. Just like my dad did it to me . When... sometimes the dominant in me wants to scream and take over. "Go change and get ready .. You have 13 mins,.. I'll pick what your wearing just take a shower and do whatever else" God why can't she just do what i say in the first place . There's a closet in the jet . It has emergency stuff , food , clothes and sleeping bag/tent. Five dresses , and five causal clothing pieces, and work out clothing/gear for Sam plus 5 shoes. On the right of that is Emma's clothing . It's the same stuff as sam's but more To Emma's fashion style. The right of that is my clothes . Same as them except the dresses are suits. And one tuxedo. Oh yes .. Perfect. A simple striped dress with a key hole back, a teal feather Neckless with a white shoes and teal arrow tinted gold bracelet. It screams teenager. It screams Sam . "I love it !" Sam her cheeks red her voice high a screech that practically hurt my ear drum. "It's the piece your modeling .. Remember Sam be polite , smart , absolutely no sassy , and have fun .." My eyes starring into her soul. She quieted down quickly. No response... Raising my right eyebrow, piercing into her eyes , my lips pressing together slowly waiting for a " I will Keith . I know that i represent you and me . I'll do my best , I promise " I trust her on that . Sam wants to be an actor or make her own company, she also wants to be either an engineer or lawyer. A bright future for Sam if she lives it right . You know... No drugs , alcohol, smoking, plastic surgery, weird piercings and tattoos, no jail , it's that attitude I gotta fix .

"Mr.Keith, and little miss your Volvo is here. " jasper throwing me the keys. I can't drive a jet but a car I can. It makes no sense to pay someone to drive for you when your perfectly capable to drive yourself.

"Hi , Jasper" Sam somehow always was so eager. She put on a smile on everyone she meet. I did good even though she has her moments she has more moments when she's an amazing kid. She couldn't know how proud I was though, she'd get a bid air head.

"Hey, little miss ! How was the ride ?" Jaspers around 34 , nice general guy. He's great at his job to .

"Great.. Even though I slept the whole way here. " a chuckle brought in to me and jasper. She sure was something .

"Well we've got to get going , bye Jasper , oh and I got a call from Taylor.. She was wondering if you wanted to be her private jet driver too." Lots of people wanted jasper to be their driver. And I was his lawyer. I pay him to fly and he pays me to get him more jobs.

"Ok .. Thank you , I'll have to check on that . Have a good day you to." Jasper runs to my side of the car .

" no need jasper , I got this. I'll forward you the email from Taylor. " something it was nice for someone to do but stupid thing you could do on your own like opening a door, I can do my self. Sam gets in the passenger side and me well duh he drivers side.

"Where are we going ?" I can tell she wants to go to the photo shoot first. "Buckle up" .

"Oh yeah" Sam's face getting red from a little embarrassed.

"I'm going to drop you off first , Emma will be their with your cousin max for the photo shoot . Max will be shooting for their new line for younger kids."

"Ok, are you going to come ?" Sams voice all up and excited. Her hand in my right hand squeezing it with all of her excitement. My left hand driving.

"No" my face was stern . My voice was stern . I was stern I needed to be. She wouldn't take me seriously if I didn't. Sam's grip on my hand losses .

"Why can't you come ?.. Please!" This was important to her. But so is my work. Emma will be their. It's not like I'm leaving her alone. Emma's a manger for child actors ages 1-20. Usually I end up being their lawyer when the get into the stupid legal trouble with drugs or alcohol. I hope I'll never have to that for max or Sam.

"No"sternly this time . Sam still pleading with me .

"But?" A small whisper escaped for her lips with all of her excitement for me to be their. I have work and one day she will understand. Finally i look over my blue eyes Turing black, right eyebrow up. My lips pressed together , the right side slightly angled down. My left eyebrow piercing down like when you get mad and my right up a little like your questioning. Both eyes on the person your mad at piercing through them like you can read there every thought.

"Ok" I always chuckle when this happens. Just one look can have SOO much power. She knows it to. Her eyes shift down and to the window. Her hands back folded into her lap. Slowly blinking she was upset. A few sniffles every now and then.

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