Now or else

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"Keith!" I finally went back down to where he was . Still talking to Randell. He slowly turned . A frown appearing on his face as he ran his hand through his hair . He looked mad .
"Didn't I tell you to Wait at home ?" He sounded mad. But said it in a gentle voice probably because Randell was there . Too gentle though, like he was holding back . I know I was in trouble . Usually it's having to clean the house , phone taken away , grounded, or if I'm really bad he makes me be a "butler " by that I mean I call him 'sir' and I have to clean , cook for him , change the tv station and volume , draw a bath , be a foot stool. This only last for one or two days but it sure is awful . I've only did it once and that was for sneaking out of the house , lying to Randell about where I was going , and going to his office and making a mess just to prove a point .

"Didn't you say it would only take a minute?" A smirk appearing on my face knowing I embarrassed him in front of his client.

"I'm so sorry Randell , you know how she is something, I'll be back in.."
" oh that's ok we can finish later " by later he meant tomorrow. A full smile on my face as I played with my skirt . Fabric to the left ... Fabric to the right .. Fabric to the left .. "Sam lets go " he sounded annoyed! " oh wait one second mr.smith " oooo he's in trouble. "Yeah " Keith said as he leaned in closer , I guess they are gossiping, such girls !

" a little swat to the behind makes anyone behave " swat to the behind ?

"Umm you want me to ?"

" yeah, my parents did it to me plus half the parents do it here sometimes in front of me . Never in public unless important, swats equal to age , they learn quick " Keith leaned in covering his mouth . Probably didn't want me to hear them.

" I'm not to comfortable doing that "

"You , should , for the better , for heavens sake your parents did it to you. "

"How did you know that ?!" Ooo whatever Randell said made Keith's face bright red .

" your dad did right in front of me a couple times when you would wine. Your better get going ." Sometimes I think Randell is like a grandpa to Keith.

" let's go sam " Keith looked really mad. He grabbed my hand held really tightly . I didn't budge. He looked back than
" ow " he smirked a little at Randell, as he hit my bottom again "ow" his grip on my arm tightening. "I said lets go " he clenched his teeth , wow he wasn't kidding. He licked his lips and reset them them to the stern look he had on his face . "Now sam or you'll get two more " hanging my head I followed him to the elevator. Great whatever Randell told him apparently was referring to me !
"What the heck !" I screened at Keith as he opened the house door and let go of me. " why did you spank me ?" I am pissed . Like seriously ! He even did it in front of Randell ! " your gonna get another spanking if you keep acting like that !" He was treating me like a little kid ! "'Yeah whatever !" Like he was gonna spank me again, probably did it to show off In front of Randell. "Ow " Keith pulled me over his lap on the coach . " I'm going to do what my parents did to me when I started to wine and be rude !" 'Swat ..swat..swat" " oooowwww it hurts!" Then omg his hand went to my skirt than . " this will teach you to cover your bottom when I'm spanking you!" my skirt went up , he could see my underwear ! "swat..swat..swat, I'm sorry ! I'll never be rude or impatient , please Keith .. Stop!" My last resort was begging , 8 swats later and my bottom was a light cherry. My skirt went down I was balling my eyes out. How could he ?! How could I be so selfish . 'Swat.. Swat.. And this is for lying, we both know you'll never stop being impatient..swat..swat.."I'm sorry I had to do this and put you through this but remember it was for your own good and I will always love you " Keith smoothed my skirt and flipped me over into a cradling position. I put my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder , slightly weeping . Keith pulled me closer and hugged me . I kept crying and he pet my hair , I stopped for a second and hugged him. "I'm sorry Keith " nuzzling my head into his shoulder even more. "Missy " Keith giving me a stern look . Crap ! When I'm in trouble he calls me missy and I have to call him sir to show respect . "I'm sorry Mr " it's ok , but it's bed time for you" bed time ?!
" it's only 6:45"

"Sam" Keith gave me the dad disappointed look. Ugggg.

" bed time , got it sir " giving him a salute to top off the mocking-ness in the

"Sam , bed nowww , please , don't make me spank you " uggggggg the look again .

" yes sir" the mockery still their


"Ok,goodnight " I hung me head and rubbed my bottom as I left the room and headed to mine . I don't like the new Keith . I like the old Keith who gave me stern looks and lectures.

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