Marquetta Lives In Virginia Now

11 3 1

Norfolk, Virginia

Me: You have a nice place, Marquetta!

Marquetta: Thanks!

Me: What prompted you to move here to Virginia?

Marquetta: Job related.

Me: I see. I also love your car!

Marquetta: Thank you! Its an old Lincoln Continental!

Me: It still has a Maryland license plate on it.

Marquetta: *laughs* I know! I have to replace it with a Virginia license plate!

Me: *chuckles* Yup! Where are the kids?

Marquetta: They're with my mom.

Me: Oh, okay. How do you like living in VA?

Marquetta: It's great!

This story was written on Wednesday, July 28th, 2021.

A/N My cousin has moved to Virginia, from Maryland! She is enjoying it! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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