Emma Please Stop Pestering Us!

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Trevor's house....

Me: *grilling the hot dogs and burgers*

SkittishReflections: *baking an apple pie*

Alan: *putting ice in the cooler, and adding soda cans*

Emma: Woot woot! Woot woot!

Brandon: Sit down, Emma! All you're doing is jumping up and down like an idiot!

Craig: She's jumping, like a 5 year old girl!

Tyrone: Girl, sit down! Ain't no way for a 17 year old girl to act! You ain't a little kid!

Emma: Whee!

Trevor: Sit down, Emma! You're at my house, and I will not let you horse around! Have a seat!

Emma: Aw, you're no fun! *sits down, and makes a pouty face*

Trevor: *shakes his head*

Me: *still grilling the hot dogs and burgers, flipping them over from time to time* Need some cheese for these burgers!

Angela: *hands me the Kraft Singles cheese*

This story was written on Sunday, July 4th, 2021. (Independence Day)

A/N This will be a fun cookout! I am grilling the hot dogs and burgers! Emma better stop horsing around! She's starting to become a pest! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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