Tiffany Haddish Is Funny

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Me: I admire Tiffany Haddish!

SkittishReflections: She's amazing! And, funny!

Emma: Who the heck is Tiffany Haddish?

Alan: An actress! She currently hosts Kids Say The Darndest Things on CBS!

Emma: Oh, her. Was she born in 1968, like Will Smith?

Me: 1979.

SkittishReflections: Correct! Born the same year as Kevin Hart, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Rosamund Pike, Mindy Kailing, Rose Byrne, and Aubrie Lemon!

Tyrone: They the same age as me!

Emma: No, they're not!

Tyrone: Yes, they are! I was born in 1979!

Emma: Oh.

Me: Tiffany Haddish is awesome!

Emma: Why are we talking about celebrities, all of a sudden?

Clyde: Cause, we feel like it!

Emma: Oh.

Clyde: Yeah!

This story was written on Thursday, July 1st, 2021. (Canada Day, Canada)

A/N Tiffany Haddish is a wonderful actress! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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