Getting Wet During Tropical Storm Elsa

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Exeter, Rhode Island

The rain was coming down in buckets, all throughout Rhode Island. The winds were blowing around 50 mph. The lights started to flicker in Lorraine's house. "Oh dear! Hopefully, the power doesn't cut out!" she said.

"I'm gonna play outside in the rain!" exclaimed her little sister, Dotty.

"Are you crazy?" stammered Lorraine. "You'll get wet!"

"I don't care!" scoffed Dotty. She ran outside into the tropical downpours. "Whee!!! This is fun!" Dotty was having a blast, getting soaked, by Tropical Storm Elsa.

The lights flickered again, but the power never went out. Some parts of Rhode Island, lost power. Providence, and Johnston, were some of those places.

Exeter lucked out on this one.

This story was written on Friday, July 9th, 2021.

A/N Dotty is getting soaked!!! 🌧🌧🌧🌧 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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