Dipping Chips Into Peanut Butter? Bleh Emma!

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Emma: *gets some Ruffles chips* Wish I had some ranch dip! Or, sour cream and onion! Guess, I'll have to improvise! *sees a jar of Skippy Peanut Butter* Peanut butter is the answer! *opens the jar, and dips some chips into the peanut butter* Not bad!

SkittishReflections: Emma, what in the world?!

Emma: Dipping chips into peanut butter!

Alan: Ew!!!! Peanut butter does not go on chips! Its only used on bread, desserts, and milkshakes! Chips and peanut butter don't mix!

Emma: Shut up! *still dipping the chips into peanut butter*

SkittishReflections: Time for the pen! You sick monkey! *sucks Emma into the pen*

Emma: *getting sucked into the pen* Nooooooooo!!!!!

Angela: Chips and peanut butter are not a good combination! What's next? Chips with toothpaste on them?

Matilda: Yuck!

This story was written on Monday, July 12th, 2021.

A/N Ew!!! Peanut butter on chips?!!! Yuck!!! Emma tried to improvise, eh? All she had to do, was ask someone to go to the supermarket, and get some ranch or sour cream and onion dip! Let's see if she tries to experiment something else that doesn't go together! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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