"Take care of him, I'm trusting you." Jungkook said and reluctantly let go of Taehyung's hand before whispering, "Stay safe."

"I will." Taehyung replied.


Ara was already ahead in the plan. She stood at the bar as she waited for the tequila she had ordered. From the corner of her eye, she monitored Taehyung and Jungkook. They were talking to the younger's mother.

As soon as she got the drink, she emptied the white powdery contents of the little pouch she had in her hand and stirred the drink, making sure the bartender wasn't looking in her direction. When she was done and looked over at Jungkook, she noticed that he had already started walking towards Mr. Jeon. She immediately caught hold of a waiter and whispered, "Give this to that man, and that man only. Do not give it to anyone else. And don't tell him it was me who ordered you, you understand?" She pointed at Jungkook and slipped a 100$ bill on the tray the waiter was holding.

The waiter looked at her with sparkling eyes, overjoyed by the generous tip given to him. He followed the orders.


Jungkook kept his eyes fixed on Taehyung as he walked towards his father. Not once letting his gaze falter. He noticed Taehyung and his mother laughing. He smiled.

He had bumped into a coupe of people already but he didn't care. He was too worried. He didn't trust these people.

That's when he heard a stranger voice from beside him, "Sir, this drink is for you."

Jungkook frowned, "Who sent it?"

"Nobody, I just saw you empty handed and thought you might need one."

"Oh okay, what drink is it?" Jungkook asked, but he was already holding the glass in his hand.

"Tequila." The waiter answered as he took a sip.

Jungkook nodded his head and pointed at Taehyung, "Can you please do me a favour and give that gentleman a glass of red wine?" He also gave the waiter fifty dollar bill.

The waiter nodded his head, "Should I tell the sir it's from you?"

Jungkook frowned once again and stammered, "Y-yes?"

"Okay." The waiter smiled.

Jungkook took another sip of his drink and resumed the walk towards his father, his eyes still fixed on Taehyung. When the older got his glass of red wine, he instantly looked at Jungkook and smiled before looking down shyly. Jungkook returned the smile.

After a few seconds, he finally greeted his father, "Hello Dad, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes! Yes, my son. Meet Mr. Yang, our biggest shareholder."


Jungkook already felt sleepy after only listening to business talks for twenty minutes. He was a little surprised by how his father actually took the initiative to introduce him to some of their most important clients, but again, he was too sleepy to really comprehend anything.

He had made sure to steal quick glances at Taehyung every couple of minutes. And for the first ten minutes, he had succeeded. But it looked like Mrs. Jeon was moving him around a lot. And for some reason, Jungkook's vision was too blurry to see anything past a couple of meters.

From a distance, Ara had been carefully watching Jungkook. She had not drunk a lot, but just enough as evidence for later that she too was drunk when she and Jungkook 'had sex'.

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