The final battle (sorta...)

Start from the beginning

Theresa took one look at the portal and said "Ok, I see it now." A piece of metal was lodged in the gear track. With one big tug the piece of metal was removed and the frame began to rise. Theresa felt a wave of energy come from the portal and she was blown back and heard Alex say "Get away from there, Now!!" Theresa rushed away and watched Alex continue.

The portal was now opened and Alex smiled "Just what I've been waiting for." He said using the remaining energy left in his body to  deliver a blow that'll send the captain through the portal. Alex had to be quick though. So he unleashed everything and truly tested the captains guarding skill. He used his speed to make the captain think he was attacking him head on, but in reality Alex Kicked him down from above. As he landed on the deck Alex landed too. and gave a chuckle "alright, let's end this." Alex went up close and punched him a few times before he kicked him into the portal. it closed and Alex kneeled down. He then looked to the bridge and gave a thumbs up.

Theresa helped Alex up and said "so is he dead?" Alex shook his head "no, he's on his way to a special location until I can figure out how to bring him back, something took over his mind, I could see it when I first fought him back in his world." Alex began to limp back to the interior with Theresa helping him. "how is everyone?" Alex said Theresa smiled "they all seem fine, However I don't have access to Sarah or Zach's vitals. What happened with sarah?" Alex sighed "She held out for as long as she could, if it wasn't for Zach's genius plan to take us to the nearest natural portal, she could've gotten a worse fate." Theresa nodded "I hope it isn't too late."

Alex had arrived in the med bay and Sat down. Zach exited one of the rooms and said "I thought I heard someone enter, and by the looks of it, you won?" Alex nodded "Yeah, won. I've delayed the final confrontation till I'm back at 100% performance, and he is a little mentally ill at the moment, so I'll need to figure that out soon. How's sarah?" Zach sighed "could be a while, blunt force trauma, blood loss, and a few other things too, how are you?" Alex then said "tired, and sore, I'm really just here for some pain killers. Then I'm gonna go to bed." Zach nodded "sounds about right. Thank you for trusting us." Alex chuckled "I should be thanking you, the portal you took me to really helped me out, gave me a fighting chance." Zach smiled "that means a lot." Alex looked at the room he came from "Can I see her?" Zach nodded "yeah, the doctors finished with her a while ago."

Alex looked at sarah and said "dear god." Zach nodded "I know, from when we first met, I didn't think she'd end up like this." Alex then said "She said you met her when she was getting mugged?" Zach nodded "Yeah, at the time I was dating someone else, who won't be mentioned due to our little agreement. But after we met I let her stay in our dorm for a while to sort herself out, this eventually turned in us swapping between captain positions every month." Zach then chuckled "seems like a long time since I've met her, we don't see each other much only really when we swap in and out." Alex then said "What's your story?" Zach then shrugged "honestly, I remember nothing before coming to soukai, however I can tell you a bit during my time here." Alex nodded "Yeah, but maybe not here. I asked to see if you wanted, then we could talk at, I dunno, the dining area a bit later?" Zach nodded "oh, I get it, yeah of course."

The two sat in awkward silence for a few minutes before they heard groaning. The two looked at sarah and watched her wake up  she slowly sat up and saw the two look at her worried, Zach then said "S-sarah, How are you feeling?" Sarah held her head and said "like shit, I'm glad I was able to absorb some of the energy to store." Alex looked confused "What, how were you able to do that?" Sarah then said "I don't actually know, I just tried and it worked." Alex looked to Zach and then Back to Sarah. "Just a moment." Alex then dragged Zach out of the room and went to a place where nobody could hear them.

"What is going on. She can use project end energy?" Alex said trying not to yell, Zach responded with "Weird, you think she is someone sent here to help you or could have she just adapted?" Alex shrugged "I don't know, and frankly, I'm quite worried. I have never met someone else who naturally is able to use it." Zach then said "what about that cap-" Alex interrupted him by saying "not natural, I could feel it while fighting, that he doesn't use all of it, unlike me. From the looks of it she can use all of it. However looks aren't everything, I need a scan, see if she is actually using all of it." Zach then said "How does it work?" Alex grabbed a piece of paper and wrote while saying "if she were to use both the positive and negative energy, then the ratio of how much energy in her shouldn't change, for example, if she has a 20:1 energy ratio that means if a large enough change occurs then she is only using one type, however it doesn't mean she neccasearly can use only one, smaller changes are possible due to uneven usages." Zach then said "Woah, i'll keep this in mind." Alex was about to continue when theresa slammed the door open "Alex, I need you to talk to everyone about this captain that attacked you. Where he went." Alex nodded and said "Alright, I'll do it."

The dining area was filled with the valkyries, the girls of the other hyperion and apocalypse. He then sat down and said "ok, so first things first, he isn't dead, but I don't know where he went. Second, HOW THE HELL DOES HE HAVE ACCESS TO PROJECT END ENERGY?!" Zhuge kongming then said "For the first one, good, but we need to find him, for the second, I don't know, my best guess is that he has had some augmentations to use it, where he got them from is likely unknown." Alex nodded "I see, any other statements?" Rita then said "the rift between your world and ours is destroyed, there is no chance of repair for the future." Delta then said "that may not be a bad thing, right?" Bronnie then responded with "not really, but we need to keep tabs on it, I don't want it to wipe us both out if it breaks even further." Theresa then spoke up "which is why we're going to have one person swap over from each group to be a sort of note taker, and just in case the other hyperion will have a portal linked to this hyperion, Alex has been working on this?" Alex nodded "Kinda, the device I gave delta is a portable version, it's a bit difficult but give me a day and I'll have finished one half."

After a while some of the Valkyries left leaving Alex, Kiana, Seele, bronya, Fu Hua, Zach, Theresa, Rita, and Zhuge kongming. Theresa then said "So, first order of business, who is going to swap?" Rita then said "I'll be fine with staying here. If that's ok with everyone?" Theresa nodded "i'm fine with it, now from our side. Kiana, Seele I want to talk to you two about something else. Zach I don't know why you are here." Zach then said "Me and Alex wanted to talk to you, it's about sarah."  Bronya then stepped forward "The bronya would like to investigate and be apart of their crew for a while."  Theresa nodded "any one object?" Seele looked like she was about to say something but didn't. Theresa then said "excellent, unfortunately, this place needs some maintenance so you four can go, Alex, Zach, kiana and Seele you stay."

"So I've sent everyone else off for a few days of R&R, but I still need you three, Zach we can talk soon, Alex in about three days you can start the project, Kiana, seele your role is still the same, open the portal, but this time with the other one only one of you needs to do it, and I'll be giving Alex another set of keys for two of the other." Alex then said "I'll think of someone." Kiana then said "So, will we know to open the portal?" Alex then said "well I can create a communication link between the two ships. So if someone wants to go from place to place they can tell you to open it up and vice versa. Any other questions?" Kiana shook her head "no. I'll take my leave." Kiana and Seele then left and Theresa turned to Zach "so, what do you want to talk about?" Zach then said "Sarah, and her condition. She can use project end energy."

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