Chapter Seventy: You Posted What: Part Three

Start from the beginning

I just wanted to learn the truth about my birth and what really happened.

"I wanted her to use the bionic chip on something, she had suggested using a robot but I turned that idea down. I wanted something more real, more alive. That's when I suggested that we put it in humans but of course she thought that was unsafe" Krane scoffed.

We all glared at him in anger.

Of course it's unsafe, dad literally said that bionic chips were never meant to use on humans.

Kind of the whole reason why the trio glitch if they use it too much and don't have their capsules.

"When she finally agreed to test out the bionic chip I was excited. But we didn't know who to use it on" Krane said.

Just then a smug evil smirk appeared on his face as he looked directly at me.

"Until we found out your mother was pregnant" Krane smirked.

I let out a small gulp while the others looked shocked and terrified.

"When we found out your mother was happy and excited. She always wanted to have a baby and become a mother. Me on the other hand, not so much" Krane said.

I gritted my teeth and glared at him.

"I never wanted to be a dad. Kids were just annoying and bratty in my opinion, too much work so I didn't exactly care that much about you" Krane scoffed.

I looked over at dad to see him glaring at him while gritting his teeth in anger.

I gave him a small soft smile before looking back at Krane.

"All I cared about was putting that bionic chip inside of you to see if they would work. Of course your mother was hesitant because she didn't want to because she didn't want her own child to become a human lab rat. As she put it" Krane scoffed.

We all glared at him in full anger and hatred.

Chase wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him as I leaned into him.

"Finally I was able to convince her to do it, once you were born and were able to come home with us she immediately got to work. Once the bionics were put into you we made sure everything was perfect. And as planned everything was fine, nothing were to have gone wrong with your bionics. Everything was perfect" Krane explained.

'Asshole' I thought in disgust.

"Once that part was over your mother had suggested that we keep your bionics deactivated until you were older so we could train you. But I was not about to let that happen. I wanted more, more power. More control over everything. I wanted you to become the first bionic super soldier" Krane smirked.

I stared at him in shock with wide eyes and jaw dropped, along with everyone else.

Has he lost his gosh damn mind?

Is he that insane and crazy that he wanted to turn me into a super soldier when I was just a baby.

"But of course, your mother didn't want to do it. She thought I was insane and crazy for wanting to turn her child into a super soldier when you were just a baby. It annoyed me to hell that my own wife didn't agree with my ideas" Krane growled.

This dude is fucking insane.

But honestly this is Krane we're talking about.

Not really surprising if you ask me.

"I didn't care what she thought, I was going to go with my idea anyways and no matter how much she argued with me I wouldn't listen to her. I was going to go through with it and she wasn't going to stop me. And if she did, there would be consequences for her and you" Krane said.

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