Chapter 29

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The Watchers attacked, and the hermits knew immediately that they were screwed.

Not only were they outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered and out-planned, (:)) but the attack came as such a surprise that it took a moment for any of them to be ready to fight. The Watchers all ran or flew in together, and Grian screamed for the only remaining friends he had left to fight back, as the campsite dissolved into chaos. 

Skizz's eyes instantly began to glow purple, and he somehow summoned his staff into his hands. With a ferocious battle cry, he charged towards a group of 3 Watchers. The place was going to abandoned anyway, so he effortlessly sent fault lines crumbling across the ground. One got a foot stuck, and another was burned severely by the lilac magma sizzling inside. Skizz sliced at them all, knocking one over and stabbing them with the now-sharpened end of his staff until they were dead. He punched another that had trying to drag him away by his collar, impaling them too. Another burnt to death, but there was always another to replace the dying. Skizz's eyes widened as he felt a pain in his chest, and looked down to see a black blade that dripped with blood. With a very minimal 'oh...', his legs crumpled beneath him and he fell down, dead. 

His ghost jumped up instantly, running through the Watchers, trying to get a vantage point for what was going on. Ghost and non-ghost hermits and Watchers battles below him as he stood on the roof, looking down over everyone. False was severely injuring anyone in a mask that came within 2 blocks of her, Cleo and Joe stood back to back, stabbing bravely. Even Hypno was firing arrows from another roof, nodding over at Skizz as he saw his sort-of killer. 

Grian was in the middle of the action, kicking and slicing, and even biting one Watcher that tried to strangle him. He kicked off the ground, flying a few blocks above, booting away the Watchers that tried to drag him down again. He elbowed another out the way, slashing their wing off. They fell into another Watchers, crying out as they clutched their missing feathered limb. Grian grinned, before punching another in the face before stabbing them in the chest. He managed a quick glance over to where he knew the others would also be fighting, daring a quick thumbs up at Jimmy as he mercilessly slaughtered the Watchers, screeching about avenging Scott's death as he did. 

There was a group of three Watchers behind him and he turned, spreading his wings as he did and winding the Watcher he'd been fighting before in the process. He sliced brutally at them, and one died almost immediately. One of the other two desperately teleported away, while the last Watcher was stabbed in the neck and killed too. With another howl of fury about how Scott was waiting to kill them again in the afterlife, he parried a blow from another Watcher that was trying to pull him away, missing as he tried to impale their neck. He swore loudly, shoved away, almost tripping over his wings. He decided to take flight, jumping and flapping as hard as he could. He managed some kind of levitation, and kicked the Watcher right in the face. He stabbed another that had flow up after him, gaining a good vantage point above the fight were he could see what else was happening. It looked like Skizz had fallen, but the other 3 were still fighting. 

Jimmy yelped in pain as an arrow hit his wing and he fell to the ground, on his hands and knees, right in front of another Watcher as their sword pierced his neck and he died. Gem watched him fall, clearly terrified, weaponless, pushed against a wall. It was a miracle she hadn't died yet. Blood cascaded down her arm from a gash in her shoulder, and her eyes widened as she realized what she had to do. 

Nimbly, she scaled the wall of the house she'd been sleeping in for Notch knows how long and stood on the roof, looking around. There were two others alive with her, she realized, and she knew she had to fight to survive. One of the Watcher flew up towards her, landing on the roof. Gem got into a kind of boxing position, punching them a few times, before trying to yank the sword out of their hands. It worked, and they fell off the roof, while she remained standing on it, now armed. Another Watcher flew up, and she sliced them warningly a few times, before slipping over. They dragged her away, but she kicked their hand away, scrabbling to her feet again and brushing her hair off her face. Eyes narrowed, she hurled herself at them, slicing and succeeding on knocking them down from the roof. The only problem was that she went down with them. She looked up, knowing there was nowhere else to run, and was promptly killed, hoping that the last two survivors would be able to do something.

Zedaph, who had been watching the whole thing from the roof next to her, fired another couple of exploding arrows at the Watchers. He re-armed again, firing again and again, trying to stop the cluster of the self-proclaimed Minecraft Gods from murdering his only living friend. He kept shooting them, but they kept coming back. This isn't going to end until we're all dead  he realized with a jolt of fear. And we can't fight them forever like this. 

Zedaph leapt from the roof, firing another explosive arrow behind him just for show, and wobbled as he landed, a few blocks away from Grian.

'Hey.' He greeted, as though they weren't about to be slaughtered. 'I just want to say, it's an honor to be the last two people standing with you.'

'Same here.' Grian replied, smiling. One of his wings was broken, and he'd given up wiping the blood of his face. The Watchers let them have this moment of small-talk, before one of them murdered Zedaph. 

Grian's face turned pale as he watched his friend fall, realizing the dark truth. 

He was the last person left.  


The Smiles of Hidden Ghosts - A hermitcraft and Evo fanfic (THIS IS A SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now