Chapter 8

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'So! This is the first meeting of the people-who-actually-aren't-stupid-and-believe-in-the-ghosts! Any questions?' Tango looked around the room. Zedaph and Hypno looked awkwardly up at him. 

'Is anyone else going to join?' Zedaph asked. 'And Bdubs's asked me if ghosts are allowed in?'

'Hopefully, and yes. I think Martyn was interested. Bdubs, what ghosts are here?'

'Him, Impulse, Jevin - Jevin says you stink, Hypno - Xisuma, Xamphe and Ren.'

'More ghosts than living people! Nice!'

'Jevin, you also stink. What are your intentions by starting this group?'

'Seeing if we can encourage the others into being sensible? And to learn how all of us can communicate with the ghosts, because quite a few of us can. I'll start. I can see what Xamphe's put in chat. No one else can. Zedaph?'

'I can hear Bdubs talking.'

'I can see whenever Jevin places a block. Or writes that I stink in the middle of the world.'

'Nice! And... that's already all of us. Wow... Zedaph? Anything from any of the ghosts?'

'Xisuma wants to know more about how the powers all came to be.'

'I have absolutely no idea.' Tango confessed back. 'Now, is this the end of the meeting already or...'

Everyone jumped as there came a knock on the door. Martyn's face peered through the window at them. Tango let him in.

'Welcome to my humble abode! What do you want?' 

'OUR humble abode...'  Zedaph added. 

'I was delivering some permadeath weapons. I realised that you nor Zed had anything, so I made you each a sword too. Be careful, Tango, yours might randomly set on fire at some point.'

'Awesome!' The only living boomer took the sword carefully, grinning chaotically. It was black, and felt warm to the touch. 

'And here's yours, Zedaph.' He hands over a sword that looks perfectly normal until Martyn presses a button and a flare shoots out the end, hitting the wall in an explosion of colour.'

'Man... Why did you get the explodificating sword?'

'You got a flaming sword, Tango!'

'That's true.'

'What're you doing in here?'

'Meeting to discuss ghosts?'

'Can I join?'

'Sure! Have you had any contact with any ghosts yet?'


Grian's voice screamed. Everyone looked towards it, and Tango ran to the door. 

'That's a huge fire...' 

Hypno and Zedaph joined him. Martyn gulped, looking over at the trio.

'I'm guessing firetick's been turned on?'


A huge fire burnt just inside the forest. Grian's panting just outside, clutching the unconscious body of another player. Everyone was outside. Scar was panicking, Cleo's desperately trying to think of some kind of idea to stop it, Etho watched uncertainly from just outside his house. Even Doc looked scared.

'Does anyone have any water?!' Cleo burst out. 'Aren't we going to try and fight it?!' 


Scar howled his cat's name as she leapt from his arms, running towards the fire and into the forest. Tango looked around at the others, before following.

'I'll get her!' He yelled impulsively.

'TANGO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' He could hear Zedaph screaming. 'DON'T DO THIS!'

'SOMEONE NEEDS TO SAFE JELLIE.' He yelled back, before beginning his look for the cat. Flames raged all around him, smoke drowned his lungs. Ash covered the ground, most of the trees were gone. Tango scanned the entire area around him, trying to find the white and grey creature in the white and grey landscape. Suddenly, something moved, and he lunged for Jellie, grabbing the cat. His clothes were on fire, but at least his jacket was flame-proof, offering some protection. He huddled Jellie tight, aware of the burning up his legs. Another tree fell in his way, and with a growing panic he realised he had no idea which way was the way back. He coughed, eyes watering, throat on fire. And through it all he felt a sword against his neck. 


'TANGO!' Zedaph's voice rose above the roar of the flames and the boomer blindly ran in that direction. Iskall was here. Right behind him. The psychopathic Swede WANTED him to panic. Well, he'd done a very good job of that. 

Tango burst through the wall of fire, smoke stained and panting heavily. Someone threw a bucket of water over his head and he spluttered, hearing a hissing as the fire around his legs extinguished. But they still stung. Badly. Jellie struggled out of his grasp and scampered back to Scar, who gave her a very teary cuddle.

'Iskall.' Zedaph warned. 'He's here.' 

'Who told you that?' Cleo scoffed. 


'I know he's here. He tried to kill me in there.' Tango forced out, still coughing. 

'No one's trying to stop the fire!' Hypno snarled. 'Do we WANT our campsite to burn to the ground?!' 

'Someone... water...' Tango managed to crawl into a sitting position, looking over his legs. They were bleeding and burnt, a sore mix of red and black. 'Put out fire.'

'Good idea.' Cleo sighed, 'if only someone had thought of it earlier...'

'We were panicking in the heat of the moment, Cleo!' Martyn snapped back. 'None of us were thinking clearly!'

'Someone was too busy running into fire.' Doc muttered, glaring meaningfully at Tango.

'He was saving Jellie!' 

'Jellie's just a cat!' 

'Jellie's MY cat. And she's the most adorable being in Hermitcraft!' Scar retorted.

'Why are we arguing?! Our home is literally on fire!'

'ISKALL!' Tango burst out suddenly, scrambling to his feet. The blade still cut into his back slightly, making him yell with pain, clutching the wound. 'WHERE IS HE?! CLEO, WHERE IS HE?' He looked around wildly, as though he might be able to find where the ghost was. 

'He's not real! He's dead! He's not here!'

'SHUT UP, CLEO!' Hypno shoved the zombie. 'Tango, Just run!'

'My legs are dead! I can't run anywhere!' He yelped back, scrambling away. Grian was still watching. He'd dropped the girl's body, and now Doc was checking if she was actually alive. 

'He's behind you!' Zedaph pointed towards where Bdubs had told him Iskall was. 

'WHERE?! Cleo?!'

'Where Zedaph said, I guess?'

'Cleo, someone's trying to kill him and you're not helping!' 

'Well Impulse is attacking him now, so if you believe this stuff, then he should be safe for now?'

'IMPULSE SAVE ME!' Tango screamed again. 'SOMEONE!' He skidded to a stop behind Zedaph, almost collapsing again. No one was watching Grian, until his eyes flashed red and he threw himself at Iskall. 

Ahhh... the ending sucks...


The Smiles of Hidden Ghosts - A hermitcraft and Evo fanfic (THIS IS A SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now