Chapter 15

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TW: uhh... torture? 

NPG stood in a room. He was facing another person that looked exactly like him, glaring. He glared back.

'Well? Are you going to help me?' They asked.


'Why not? I made you to do this! I brought you to life just so you could help me! Would you rather not be alive?'

'I'd rather have my own life, actually! I want to do what I want! Be who I want! I'm not just your slave!'

'You'll help me!' NPG clenched his fists. How dare this self-entitled creature force him into slavery! How dare they think him inferior!'





'NO YOU'RE NOT! WHY SHOULD YOU BE?!' The argument broke off into an icy silence. NPG watched as his creator paced, glowering, before suddenly stopping, and looking up at him again.

'Then I'll make you. I'll MAKE you follow me. I'll MAKE you act like you should.'

'How? How will you do that? Because I'm not listening to anything you tell me to do.'

'I'll let him do it.'


'You'll get to know him very well soon...' 

NPG prepared to fight, but before he could, he felt something sharp in his shoulder. An arrow. He pulled it out, watching blood spill down his arm and dizziness fill his head. 

'What the-?' He collapsed to the ground, and blacked out. 

Pain. It was all he could feel when he woke up. He couldn't move, couldn't talk. Something was digging into his head. Several things. Both physical and mental. An idea. A building style. Why is my head beginning to hurt? Rustic houses. Different types of wood. Rustic houses. Forever. Rustic houses. He saw his creator pacing in front of him, talking. Explaining. Repeating over and over again the instructions. He couldn't block them out. He couldn't think of anything else. Control. Power. He was defenceless, crying. Crying oil. He was a robot. When did he become a robot? Why was he facing this? He'd done nothing wrong. 

No. He'd disobeyed. This is what happened when he disobeyed. He would never do it again. He could never do it again. His creator had ensured that. 

'Do you understand?' The creator stopped. All he could do was nod, and agree. 'Great. EX?' 

Another burst of pain, and he'd blacked out again. 

NPG woke up again, smiling. His creator stood in front of him. They were in a field, alone, near a forest. 

'So... NPC Grian... let's test this out.' 

'Would you like to learn how to build a rustic house?' He spoke the words almost automatically. As though he was programmed to do this. Which he was. That was what they were doing to him. Making him do this. 


'That's great! You will need to get some wood and wooden planks of whichever type of wood you want, some cobblestone stairs, glass panes, and a door! Have you got those things yet?'

The Smiles of Hidden Ghosts - A hermitcraft and Evo fanfic (THIS IS A SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now