Chapter 1

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'You know he can't see you.' 

'Yeah, I know.'

'Or hear you.'


'Cub, are you even listening to me? Scar can't see or hear you! You're a ghost! You're still dead!'

'That didn't stop you from spending the first day that they were here trying to make Tango notice you, did it?' 

Cub turned on Impulse, who was watched him, arms crossed, from the other back corner of Scar's tent. 

'That was when we didn't know what was going on. Now everyone's has accepted that we can't communicate with them. Everyone, except you.'

'I swear Cleo saw me on that first day! She was staring right at me like she'd seen a ghost! Which she had!'

'Cub, come on... you're just seeing what you want to see. Scar can't communicate with you. He probably still hates you for shouting at him.'


'Ok...' Impulse rolled his eyes. 'But I'll be the first to tell you I told you so when you come to your senses...' The ghost-boomer left the tent through the wall, leaving Cub alone, just as Scar entered again. 

'Hello, mysterious corner person!' He greeted cheerfully. 'Still there?'

'I'm still here...' Cub muttered back, watching as his friend crossed the tent and grabbed some wheat from a chest. Scar frowned, snatching up a mask and tossing it aside. It landed next to Cub, the smiling vex face looking at him. A sigh, as the ghost stared down at the it, not even caring as Scar left the tent again. Cub picked it up, placed it on top of a crafting table beside him and followed his friend out. 

The sun was high in the sky, and the campsite busy. Etho chatted with Doc outside his mismatched mess of a starter house, a build which somehow looked good, the sole reason that it had been the Canadian that had built it. The latter of the two still had his black wings, and his obsidian trident strung on a strap across his back, the only impression that not all was normal. Next to that, Zedaph and Tango's monstrosity of a build sat. Apparently, both had been blindfolded while building it. And no one found that to be a weird concept. A melancholy figure that was Impulse watched as Zed and Tango tried to ride pigs around, just outside, and failed, still laughing and having fun.

'Man... I wish that Impulse was here...' Tango sighed. Cub glanced over at Impulse again. 'It would be so much more fun with him here...'

'At least I'm still alive...' Zedaph pointed out. 'Impulse wasn't your only friend. Just try and have fun...'

This sent the dead boomer over the edge, and he slipped away into the shadows behind the two houses. Cub followed. 

'You ok?' 

Impulse looked up from his position, leaning against the back of Tango and Zed's house. He wiped away some of the tears down his face halfheartedly. 

'I... I wish I could still talk to him... He's my best friend... It's like HE'S the one that died...'

'It's not that bad...' Cub lied, joining his friend on the ground. 

'Shut up. You feel exactly the same as I do. Scar was as close to you as Tango was to me.'

'I'm going to go.'


'Because I can tell you want to be alone. I'll go and spy on the others or something...'

'Yeah, go do that.' 

'See you around, Impulse.'

Cub walked off, listening in on Etho and Doc's conversation instead, sighing, focussed mostly on the ground. 

'Come on, just give it to me...' Etho whined. 'I just want to test it out. How hard can it be to resist them anyway?'

'Very hard. They literally steal your consciousness. The last thing I would ever want is for you to be under their control forever.'

'You know me well enough to know I won't let anyone control me.'


'Yes. I'm your friend.'

'And you might get hurt forever.'

'I want the wings! And the cool powers! And obsidian weapons!' 

'Etho... come on...'

'Group meeting! Everyone!' Came Scar's voice across the campsite. Doc and Etho looked between themselves, then up at their leader. The others gathered, and soon the 8 of them left were gathered. 'So, what's going on?'

'Me and Zedaph found and named some pigs? We can breed them and get some more food?'

'We named them Impulse and Bdubs...' Zedaph admitted. Cub glanced over at the actual Impulse. 

'You can keep them at pets... I think Cleo told me she found some other pigs around the place.' 

'Pets... wow...' came a mutter from Impulse. 'I've got a pet pig to be remembered by...'

'Martyn? Hypno? Found anything on your latest patrol?'

'Not much... But I remembered how I made obsidian weapons?' Martyn offered.

'What do you mean?'

'When I was one of the watchers, they taught me how they made their weapons, but they tried to hide the knowledge from me when I rebelled against them. Now I've remembered it again, and I can make everyone obsidian weapons.'

'That's so cool!' Etho burst out. 'Can I have one?'

'Shut up, Etho!' Doc hissed back. 

'You can make us all permadeath weapons? Who doesn't already have one then? Hypno, Etho... anyone else?' Scar looked around the group.

'I stole xB's bow, so I have one.' Hypno explained. 'Do you have one?'

'One I don't want to use any more...'

'But it causes permadeath?'

'Any injuries with it will never disappear. And it reminds me too much of Cub.'


'I can make two. Etho and Scar. That all?'

There were nods from the group. But just as the group were dispersing, Hypno brought them back together with 2 sentences.'

'Wait, me and Martyn saw something else too. We saw Grian.'


The Smiles of Hidden Ghosts - A hermitcraft and Evo fanfic (THIS IS A SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now