Chapter 11

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One of the ghosts was dead.


It took a while for him to actually figure out how bad this was, but Scar finally realised. The dead were dying. No one was safe. 

And Grian had killed them.

'GRIAN, WHAT DID YOU DO?' Doc burst out. 'Why are you killing ghosts?'

'I don't know! I just attacked them, and it went too far, and now they're dead!'

'Who was it?' 

Hypno looked up to the sky again, reading the letters as they appeared in the air.



'Doc, I'm sorry...' 


'Doc calm down!' Scar stood in between the two. 'I know you're upset-' Doc shoved the mayor and he stumbled back. Grian looked up, face tear-stained. Hypno reached for his bow, sensing a fight. 

'Everyone! Stop! Calm down!' He pleaded. 'Please!'


'Likely story...' Cleo scoffed. 'It's not like there are any ghosts...' She tried to sound as dismissive as normal, but an edge of uncertainty crept in. She had seen Ren. Even before Hypno had said his name. Were the ghosts real?! No, they couldn't be. But... but this couldn't be a coincidence... 

'What's going on?!' Martyn appeared, a mixture of annoyance and worry. 'I heard all of you yelling about murder.'

'Ren died.'

'Again?! What, does he have three lives or something?' 

'SOMEONE killed him.' Doc glared at the murderer, who didn't look back at him. 

'Doc, shut up. He didn't mean to.' Scar protested. 

'You don't know what he meant! And you're not exactly trustworthy anyway.' 

'You're the only person who doesn't trust me, Doc.'

'You killed Ren the first time AND you let the watchers attack us! There's a reason I don't trust you.'

'Scar made a mistake, just like everyone does. Even you.' Hypno argued. 

'My mistakes haven't exactly destroyed our entire server, have they?'

'Doc, leave him alone!' The creeper shoved Scar one last time before stalking away to where Etho was standing shiftily, hands behind his back.

'Etho, give it back.' He sighed,

'I don't have it!'

'I know you do, give it back.'

'Fine...' Etho held out the watcher mask again, and Doc snatched it back, before disappearing back into his home. The ninja sighed. 'So, how do we get rid of an invisible body?'

It was later in the day and Scar was stressing out. Ghosts could die. Ghosts could die. Ghosts could die. 

Cub could die again.

No, he... he wouldn't. He just wouldn't. He was too clever to die again.


Head in hands, he sat down, before pausing. The vex mask had been returned to the table again. Someone had moved it. But it wasn't that much of a deal, right? He groaned, lifting his head when he heard someone enter.

The Smiles of Hidden Ghosts - A hermitcraft and Evo fanfic (THIS IS A SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now