"You're right. You ok to move?" Momo nodded as the two left the area and towards the exit to continue to the end.

With Kirishima, Inasa and Ryukyu

"Oh come on!" The walls around them continued to distort for Kirishima to activate his quirk and start randomly punching walls that were moving. "COME OUT AND FACE US LIKE A REAL MAN!"

"You're wasting your breath Kirishima. Right now, we need to focus on finding the villain responsible for this." 'Times like these are where I somewhat wish I had a quirk like Miruko's. Her hearing would be phenomenal in this situation.' Ryukyu tried looking around for any chances to see where Mimic could be hiding. 'He has to be nearby to do this.' "Inasa! You should be able to use your quirk here without much drawback! Create a vacuum space and force everything you can into it!"

"RIGHT!" Inasa did as he was told for a spiral of wind to come in front of them. The power began to grow stronger and stronger for the group of heroes and cops to feel as if they were being sucked in. Before it could get any farther, Mimic came out of the walls and towards the tornado.


"I SEE HIM! RED TURRET!" Kirishima gave a strong left punch to hit Mimic in the face, breaking his jaw in the process.

"You BRAT!" Before he could react, Ryukyu gave a roundhouse to the side of his skull and knocked the villain out.

"Place quirk suppressing handcuffs on him. I don't want to take the chance of him escaping." The cops did as she asked for the group to continue forward shortly after.

With Compress and Aizawa

"Take this!" Compress shot three different rounds from his weapon to snap his fingers. The three marbles turned into a desk lamp, a piece of a door and a cinder block. Chrono dodged them to begin sending his arrows out to hit Compress. "You'll have to do better than that." He dodged them with little effort before pointing his gun and shooting another few rounds for them to be normal marbles. 'Dammit.'

"You bumbling punk!" Chrono sent another attack at Compress for him to narrowly dodge this one. "You honestly think you can defeat me? You're nothing but a man with an irritating quirk. What can you accomplish that others cannot." Arrows kept coming at Compress for him to get far away from the arrows reach.

"I may just be a man, but I am a man that is willing to fight for what he believes is correct. For years, I've ran from police due to a small ordeal that sent me out of the circus. However, today I am working side by side with them in order to succeed in helping this world. Fascinating how the turn of the tides in the world makes things different."

Chrono rolled his eyes under his mask before adjusting his arrows to face Compress. "You may be able to talk now, but you're backed into a corner. You can't beat me naturally with your strength, so you're resorting to these petty parlor tricks to do that. Face it. You're no match for me. Both you and Eraserhead." Aizawa started to feel his body gain back some speed, but pretended he couldn't move to try and avoid Chrono attacking him again.

'The time frame of this one is slower than the last. Does that mean he sacrificed duration for quantity? Either way, I gotta wait for the right moment to attack. It's the only way we'll be able to stop Chrono.' Aizawa spoke in his thoughts with Compress beginning to take off his mask.

"Allow me to tell you a story as the final curtain to our act is done. Once upon a time, there was a Peerless Thief. He was no different than a common alley street thug." Compress shot a few marbles on the sides of the walls for them to ricochet off and towards different angles of Chrono. "However, everything changed when he met a man known as All For One. You see, the Peerless Thief was able to steal anything. but when facing the Underworld Hero, he bit off more than he could chew. The strangest thing about this man however was not that he succeeded where many heroes failed, but what he did after." Compress shot a few more rounds to the floor, sides and directly to force Chrono to avoid each and every marble that turned into more pieces of junk.

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