"Her? Who on earth are you talking about?" Not caring if we'll loose our balance, the four of us had turned the whole room upside down, trying to find something that will help us remember everything that's flashing in our minds.

"Aww, lemme just take a photo of you because you all look so hot!"

Seeing that it's pointless to talk some sense into us, Brian scratches his head as he kept saying, "Will the four of you stay put and tell me what's going on here? After all the shows we have to cancel you're just going to give me this kind of—"

"Just give us a bloody pen!" We all stopped as our vocalist yelled at our manager in complete desperation. Still holding our radiating heads, we try hard to surpress the statements from leaving our minds while Brian just stood there, shocked at everything he's witnessing.

"Can I join? Jude needs loving."

"W-We'll do whatever you say. J-Just give us a pen and a paper. Please." Taken aback by John crying actual tears, Brian sighed as he rushed to get the things we asked for.

John has never been this vulnerable. Brian knows that and whatever made him, made us like this, he shall understand that it's not something he should ignore.

"Without the four of you, there's no reason for me to live anymore!"

I felt George grabbed me by the shoulder followed by Paul and John who did the same. Together, we held hands in hopes that one of us would remember everything from that dream. Particularly, her.

As soon as Brian arrived with the pen and paper, Paul immediately scribbled the name. Never mind the others, what really matters at the moment is her name and nothing more.

But then Paul's hands were shaking rapidly. With his left hand holding the pen, it was as if something was preventing him to write a goddamn letter. "Ju... Ju..."

Jude Parker.....

John tried taking hold of the pen but just like what happened to his best mate, his hands started shaking so it was useless for him to write along with him.

Jude Parker....

Soon, George and I held their creative hands to steady them. Feeling an electricity pass through our wrists and into our palms, we tried our best to control that one pen.

Jude Parker....

For a minute there it felt like we were forgetting our basic alphabet with the spiky letters we were making out of.

Brian watched us stupendously at our poor state. But none of us cared. Whatever's making us forget, we will fight it no matter what.

Jude Parker....

Just one name. One name so we could remember.

"Thank you for being here."




The four of us blinked at what we just wrote on the piece of paper. The voices had stopped which eased the pain off of our heads and thankfully, our hands aren't shaking anymore.

"A-Are you lads alright?" Four pairs of eyes looked up at Brian who, for once, was finally concerned about our well-being at the time.

We looked back at the paper with furrowed eyebrows on what was just newly written on the white sheet.

With confused looks written on all of our faces, we glanced at each other once again, wondering what on earth just happened and what made us write that name so desperately.

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