6.1K 135 136

Hello everyone, it's me. I came here to talk about what the future looks like on wattpad as far as my next stories. I wanna start off by saying thank you so much for all your love and support throughout this journey. I had no idea that writing one little story about a school trip could spiral to having almost 2k followers and thousands of readers. It honestly means the world.

Secondly, I have some unfortunate news. This upcoming school year is absolutely packed with things I have to do, and it will be hard to find time to write for you. I have school in person everyday for 7 hours, and dance for around 5 hours. I'm not even kidding. It's a lot. On top of that, I have homework, plans with friends, clubs, and managing a stable mental health with my busy schedule.

But this doesn't mean I'm leaving. It just means that wattpad isn't gonna be a priority anymore. I had no clue the amount of pressure I'd feel as my platform grew. I started it as a small little hobby, and now it feels like a huge responsibility. Though I shouldn't, sometimes I feel obligated to post daily or at least three times a week because I don't wanna let any of you down. This feeling can lead to having less motivation to write, therefore worse chapters. I truly want to deliver my best writing to you all, but when under pressure, it's hard.

So I've come to the decision that I will only write and update when I want. This mean that updates could be hours apart, days apart, weeks apart, or even months apart. I just believe that I need to focus more on my real life outside of this app. However when I have time and motivation, I will write some chapters. If I don't, then I will not. And I ask you to understand that.

With this all being said, I want to apologize for any disappointment I have caused with this message. I understand that many people read my stories as an escape, and it'll be harder to do that when they come slow. I use my stories as an escape too, but if I spend too much time doing that, I'll loose myself from the real world.

So I'm kindly asking all of you to avoid commenting things like:
"Please update soon!" 
"I need another chapter!"
"When are you gonna update?"
"I want more!"

Because comments like these make me stressed and pressured.

Again, I am very sorry for this inconvenience. It is simply for my mental health so I can continue writing for you, while also focusing on the big year ahead.

Thank you for understanding.

    With Love,

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