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Chapter Thirteen


Time skip - two weeks

You wanna hear the last two weeks summed up in one word?


Tension tension tension and more tension.

Tension between me and Louis, tension between Louis and Finn, tension between me and my friends.
Hell even Will hasn't been talking to us much because he doesn't wanna get involved in any drama.

And it sucks.

It sucks to go to school and not joke around with Noah, or argue over stupid things with Finn and Gaten.
It sucks to go to school after hearing rumors of me and Louis.
It sucks to have no one to comfortably talk to.

It makes getting up in the morning ten times harder.

But I'm doing it. Even if I hate it, and I don't want to. I'm getting up in the mornings, and preparing for another horribly long day in school.

After an awkward morning of literally sitting on my phone in the lockers, the bell rang and finally dismissed us to start the day.
I let out a long and quiet sigh before slipping it back into my pocket and beginning to walk to class.

I haven't been able to talk to my friends because I know for a fact that they're mad at me. Or at least Finn. I know that Finn is definitely upset.

So I've been basically going throughout my days with no friends. Yeah... it's just great.

I start walking down the hallway where everyone was already heading to class.
I don't know how some people can be so loud at seven in the morning.

Boys were already screaming and girls gossiping.
Like how are you not half asleep still?

For most of the walk I keep my eyes planted down on the ground below me, but for a split second I look up.

And how I wish I didn't.

Louis was walking in the opposite direction of me, his friends trying to get his attention.
But instead he caught my eye.

Time seemed to slow down.

The loud people seemed to drown out.

And it was just me, him, and our eyes.

But my heart also started beating quickly.

My palms sweaty.

My entire body tensed up.

And as much as it seems so weird to say, I miss talking with him.

Shit we're still looking at each other.

Quickly, I throw him a gentle smile. Just anything to try and ease the amount of tension in the air.
His eyes soften shortly after and he smiles back.

And immediately a little bit of that tension goes away.

But my smile drops the second he and his friends pass me. And my head falls back to the floor.

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