Chapter 76 Family Matters

Start from the beginning


‘We have to submit them to the Family Law Courts,’ Heap said.


Arthur nodded knowing that whilst the Wizengamot dealt with criminal trials and legalisations the Family Law Courts settled more domestic cases. Usually, divorces, custody battles (of non-nobles) and other such things.


‘Don’t worry about it,’ Heap said. ‘I’ve never heard them refuse divorce proceedings – unless there is a marriage contract which makes things more … complicated.’


‘There was never a marriage contract,’ Arthur said. ‘But doesn’t our criminal proceedings make things more complicated.’


‘They will,’ agreed Heap. ‘But it will make it more understandable why you want to end things. They may refer it to the Wizengamot if they consider it a criminal matter. But onto other business; your brother Cadmus Weasley, has received your and the DoMC’s request for guardianship of your son.’


Arthur had to swallow at that for two reasons. One it made it real he was really having to give up his son’s guardianship. Two, “your son” – not “your youngest son” because Ron was now his only legal child.


‘He is coming in this morning to speak to the DoMC and take young Ronald home with him,’ Heap said. ‘But he wishes to speak to you first.’


Arthur nodded, ‘that’s fine.’


‘Good,’ Heap said. ‘Because he’s waiting outside. I can stay.’


‘No, it’s okay,’ Arthur said.


Heap left and his brother, six years his junior and infinitely more successful entered the meeting room. Cadmus Weasley was thirty-nine years old, his bright red hair just starting to recede and with far less grey in it than Arthur’s. Yet, they looked very much alike – same red hair, same blue eyes, same smile according to some. But Cadmus’ had a smaller nose and was a full head shorter and considerably more round than Arthur was.


Cadmus had worked for Cleansweep as an enchanter whilst he did his working apprenticeship and gained a Mastery of Enchanting. After completing his contractual five years with the company he had opened his own shop in Diagon Alley focussing on enchanting and selling items. It was relatively successful especially for a blood-traitor and Cadmus Weasley was now considered happily middle class.


Hence, why Cadmus Weasley was considered the “successful one”. Not that was difficult between Bilius, who gambled, drank and screwed himself to an early grave at only forty-one and Arthur who had too many children to too little money. Arthur hadn’t minded being considered poor and a failure because he had a loving family whom he adored. Only for him to realise it was all a charade – they weren’t happy and now they had fractured into a million pieces never to be put back together again.

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