We smiled at him as everyone sipped on their juice

"She so likes you" Dalton said randomly

"Who?" I asked

"Kelly" he replied

I brought my head up and locked eyes with her

"No she doesn't" I said

"Yes she does" he said

"Let's ask. Kelly!" I called out

Daltons eyes went wide

"No, no, no" he said

"What's up?" She asked coming over

"Dalton thinks you like me" I said

She laughed

"I feel like I'm in middle school" she said

"Tell me about it" I laughed

"You're cute and all, but I have a boyfriend and I've had a boyfriend for three years now" she said

"Exactly, see Dalton" I said looking at him

his cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. I watched as he looked down at his hands and try to play with his fingers

"Don't be embarrassed, she's hot, if I wasn't in a relationship I would get with her, I won't lie" Kelly said with a laugh

Now it was my turn to blush

"But again, I have a boyfriend" she smiled

I nodded

"Thanks for confirming" Dalton said awkwardly

She nodded before she walked away

"Told ya" I said the second she was out of view

"Yea, yea, yea" he mocked

I laughed at him as I lightly shoved him

"I gotta get to work you ass" he said with a laugh

"Alright" I responded as he left the room and went to his office I assume


"Come in" I said as I heard a knock at the door

"I forgot to ask.. who bought the house?" He asked

"Oh wow, I didn't tell you?" I asked

He shook his head no with with pursed lips

"Hmm, well I'll give you a hint, but you have to guess" I said

"Can't you just tell me?" He asked

"Nope. Here's the first hint, she has long brown hair, brown eyes, and is famous" I said

He looked at me confused

"You're in love with her" I added

He looked even more confused

"Ariana Grande dude" I said

His mouth dropped

"No shit?" He asked

"No shit" I replied

"Oh my god" he sounded surprised

"She asked for you" I said

I watched as shock took over his face

"No she didn't" he said

"Yes she did, she said that I wasn't the first person she talked you, so I mentioned you" I said

"And?" He asked

"Just that I wasn't the original person she talked to, but what ever you told her made he want the house"
I said

He fist pumped in the air

"Let's go!" He cheered

"Relax, I'm the one that really sealed the deal" I said sounding cocky

"No you didn't" he said

"Yes I did. Yesterday when you called in, she came by and saw the house one last time" I explained

"Really?" He asked

"Yup" I said popping the p

"Asshole" he scoffed

"Dont hate the player, hate the game" I dusted fake dust off of my shoulder

"Wait until I beat your ass" he said

"Wait until Dakota hears you say that" I smirked

"Ah fuck you" he said as he flipped me off

I laughed as I watched him walk to his office

"You two definitely fight like siblings" Kelly laughed

"We definitely do" I laughed back


Idk if I mentioned this, but kelly is the same age as y/n and Dalton. She's just a random person I made up.

Also, sorry for not updating. I've caught a cold (not COVID just a cold) and I feel like shit

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