"Come in" I called

In walked Aaron with a smile on his face

"Oh hey Aaron, what's up?" I asked

"I think we may have a buyer for that house" he said

"Wait really?" I asked

He nodded

"As you know, Dalton wasn't feeling good today, so he obviously can't go. Do you think you can find time to go to the house and show the person around one last time?" He asked

How could I say no to this? The excitement was taking over me

"Of course I can. I can go right now" I said

"Perfect, I'll let the client know" he smiled as he began to leave my office

I grabbed my car keys off my desk and made my way to the lobby

"And where might you be going?" Kelly asked in a flirty tone

"We may have a potential buyer for that house" i smirked

"No shit. Where's Dalton?" She asked

"He's sick, so I have to go show the house one last time" I explained

"That's amazing, I'm proud of you two" she smiled as she hugged me

"Thank you" I hugged her back

"Get out of here, go make some moneyyy" she sang

I laughed as I waved goodbye one last time and made it to my car. Once I was in and settled, I buckled my seat belt and made my way in the road. I turned the radio on to pass time by, although, my song was interrupted by Dalton calling

"Hey" I answered it on Bluetooth

"Hey, how's it going?" He asked

"We may have a potential buyer for the house" I said excitedly

"You're joking" he said

"Nope" I said popping the p

"Who?" He asked

"I have no idea, I'll find out when I go over there" I said

"You're going now?" He asked

"Yea" I replied

"Damn, I'm sorry I can't be there" he said

"It's fine, you're sick. I'll let you know how it goes and who it is" I said

"Thank you" he said

"Yup" I replied

"Drive safe" he added

"You too... wait" I caught myself

"You're a dork, goodbye" he laughed

"Bye" I laughed

My music continued to play once the call was over. I was doing little happy dances in my seat to every song

Soon enough, I pulled up to the house and parked in the driveway. I took notice that whoever the buyer is isn't here right now, so I take this as a chance to walk into the house and make sure everything is neat and clean.

I quickly wiped down the counters and took a deep breath as I admired the marble counter tops. I smile to myself and take a quick picture of me holding a thumbs up to send Dalton


*insert picture*
Told you we had this shit

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