"We slept half the day?" He asked sounding shocked

"Yea, but we also didn't go to sleep until like four am" I said

"Fair point, but still. It's already almost dinner time" he said

"I know" I laughed

Just then, he looked at me with a knowing look. His thinking look

"What?" I asked

"Let's get go for dinner" he suggested

"It's still to early" I replied

"Exactly. I'll run home, shower and get ready then I'll come back and we can go to a diner or a restaurant or something" he said

I thought for a moment

"Yes or no?" He asked

"Let me think" I said

"What? You don't want to go to dinner with a good looking guy?" He asked

"I do, but I'll be going with you" I teased

"Oh my god. You're such an ass" he said pretending to be hurt

"Okay, I'll go" I said

"Good, I wasn't going to give you an option anyways" he shrugged

"Then why did you ask?" I asked

"To sound more like a caring person" he shrugged

"Get out of my house" I said walking to the door and opening it

"I'll be back around four thirty" he said

"Okay" I replied

He nodded

"See you later, Dakota" I waved

"See ya, ugly" he replied

I shook my head as he walked to his car. Once he was in the drivers seat, I closed my front door and let him drive away


"Fuck, come on" I said trying to pull my pants up

"Why the hell are these so small?" I asked myself

I take them off to check the size to see that they're my pants for freshman year in high school. I laughed to myself as I thought I got rid of all my old clothes when I moved out of my moms house. I quickly grabbed a new pair of pants and put them on. Already feeling better in these pants than the last ones. As I'm zipping them up, my phone pings


Hey are you doing okay?

Yea why?

I'm just making sure

Thank you, I appreciate it

Of course. What are your plans for tonight?

my best friends girlfriend जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें