Luca's Pov

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After getting hit but Ercole I don't remember much, I remember the pain and being light headed. I remember the screams, they broke my heart. I remember the look on Alberto's face when he picked me up, then I remember nothing. It was darkness, not scary but not comforting.


I heard a familiar voice call, it was my mother. I began to feel my body again, my fingers twitched and I wiggled my toes just to be sure. I slowly opened my eyes, I hiss as the light in this room is very bright. "Mom?" I ask in almost a whisper and look in the direction I heard my name, "Luca!" I heard her says she wrapped her arms around me. I hear her sobs as she hugs me tightly, "hey, look me in the eye" I say wanting her to feel comforted. She slowly let's go and sniffled as she looked at me her red eyes looked puffy like she had been crying this whole time, before I even awoken. "You know I love you, right?" I say and put my hand on her cheek, she instantly sobs and hugs me again. I smile and hug her back. Then I see my father and grandmother, "dad! Grandma!" I say excitedly and they run to hug me as well.

After a while of talking and catching up, my parents told me I've been asleep almost four days. The doctors said I was lucky to be alive, any higher and Ercole could've pierced my lung. This thought scared me, but they say I'm stable and I can go home tomorrow. "We'll all stay in the hospital tonight with you bubble" my grandma says and I looked around the room, there was a couch and a chair. I smiled and looked around at my body, I seemed to have lost some weight too. My skin was a bit paler than normal, I lift up my shirt scrubs to look at my wound. There's a bandage wrapped around my whole torso, the doctor say that it will come off tomorrow. They also said that I only needed 13 stitches and the rest would naturally heal,
13 still sounds like a lot to me. The night carries on with laughing and joking, it was a very comforting feeling. "I thought I was going to die for sure" I say when silence sets in, "me too, but Alberto.. He donated some of his blood so you could live. That boy is so sweet, I can't thank him enough" grandma said and mom sniffles, "I had no idea!" I said and smiled to myself. He'd really do that? He must really care about me, he's always been so kind to me. I miss him, I can't wait to see him again, and Guilia and Massimo they're probably so worried. "Alberto was going to come tonight but the police found Ercole so Alberto wanted to go help." My father says and I mouth an 'oh'. After some much needed talking about plans for the rest of the year and trying to help mom calm down about my wounds, we all decide to go to sleep. "Goodnight Luca" my mom says and layed down in the chair beside my bed, my father pulled out the pull out couch and my grandma and him slept there. Mom wanted to keep a very close eye on me, so she decided to take the chair. Everyone was asleep now, at least I assumed so since there were snores coming from everyone, some louder than others. But I couldn't sleep at all, all that my brain could think about was Alberto. How we would hold hands or hug or just pat each other on the back, it was so nice just knowing he was there and feeling him next to me. My mind raced and drifted off to different things about Alberto that I didn't dared to think before, how much his hair frames his face and how when he smiles he can make my insides flutter, how our hands for so perfectly together, how soft his lips look.. Luca! This is your best friend you can't think that way about him! But is it wrong? To feel this way, it's so hard to understand. Tears form in my eyes out of pure confusion and frustration, why can't I understand this feeling? I've never felt it with anyone else it's so different! After thinking for a few more minutes I realize something, maybe it's love? But if course I love Alberto, he's my best friend. But, I think I love him in a different way. A way I've never tried living before, that's why it's so confusing! Tears fall from my eyes as I try to piece together all my emotions, relief, happy, sad, scared. What if he thinks that's disgusting? What if he doesn't want to be friends? Who says I have to tell him right away? I could just wait until I'm ready. I smile to myself and my stomach flutters as my last thought of the day is, Alberto.

The morning was loud and exciting since I was allowed to go home after a week in the hospital, after the doctor taking for a long time about what to do and what not to do I'm unhooked from the machines and ready to go, I carefully change into my clothes and leave the hospital. We get a ride home so I don't have to walk, after getting home and relaxing for a minute I hear a knock on the door then running footsteps coming up to my room. "LUCA!" I hear and see Alberto standing in my doorway, "ALBERTO!" I shout and he runs over and we hug tightly but not to tight so my side hurts. "You're alive!" He says and I blush realizing that my feelings for him were going to be hard to hide, "I am! Thanks to you!" I says and ruffled Alberto's hair. "I missed you so much i-i- was scared I'd never see you again" Alberto stutters as his voice broke and he started crying, I laugh and hugged him tightly "I'm not leaving for a long time Alberto" I say and put my hand on the side of his face he turns red which makes me realize that I was probably being too weird. "I'm gonna come visit you every day, until you get better. I'm not letting you lift a finger, I owe you my life. You really are one of a kind Luca" I heard him say which makes me smile and blush, "you're my best friend, I would do anything for you" I say, he laughs and we hug again. Maybe life was going to be alright.


Hello!!! Thank you for reading, my lovelies!  Sorry for not updating for a fat minute, I hope this cute chapter makes up for it! I am currently working on a one-shot book so if you're interested I'll be publishing that soon! I'm grateful for y'all! (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

Word count: 1180

Summer Crushes (Luca x Alberto)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora