third person pov

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Like it or not the day off the science fair was finally here, Luca and Alberto had barely gotten any sleep. Once the sun rose Luca was 'awoken' (I say this because he was already awake) by Guilia, Guilia was very excited and so was Luca but anxiety had crept it's way too his brain earlier that night. What if Alberto doesn't like me anymore? What if he has a new best friend? Silencio Bruno- "Buongiorno Luca! Today's the day!" Guilia smiled and Luca purses his lips nervously, "woah have you not slept at all? Santa mozzarella!" She exclaimed and sat on the bed with the brunette. Luca chuckled nervously, "I sleep a little.." Luca trailed off, "what's wrong?" She asked her voice getting slightly serious. "I'll tell you later, let's have a good day!" Luca says with a smile trying to convince Guilia and himself that everything would be okay, "Luca, Guilietta! Let's go!" Guilia's mother called up the stairs, they smiled at each other. "I'll be down in just a second" Luca says and Guilia nods and makes her way downstairs, Lucas quickly changes out of his pajamas and into some clothes. Then he wobbles down the stairs while trying to slip on some shoes, "let's go!" Guilia says excitedly. Luca nods and they all get in a little car that's parked in the driveway, "are we all gonna fit in this?" Guilia asked her mother while buckling her seat belt, Luca listened in while buckling his as well. "Sure, you three will have to squeeze in the back though" Guilia's mother giggled and the two friends smiled in response, the ride was quiet and short. "We're here!" Guilia's mother said stepping out of the car, Luca felt the anxiety in his stomach come back with great force. He took a deep breath and shakily stepped out of the car, "silencio Bruno" Luca whispered to himself and walked along side Guilia as they waited for the train.

Alberto hadn't slept a wink, he was way too excited to see Luca and Guilia. Once the sun rose he threw the blankets off him and took a deep breath before giving up trying to be calm, he sprinted to his not yet adopted father's room. "Papà! Wake up!" Alberto called and shook the arm of the large man, it wasn't long before the man awoke and sat up. "Buongiorno, Alberto" he said in a low groggy voice, Alberto smiled up at him. "Buongiorno, Papà!" He said and Massimo chuckled, "alright let's go" Alberto wooped and cheered as he walked downstairs. Massimo came down soon after him in some normal clothing, Alberto went to sleep in his clothes so the morning would be faster. "Guilia's mother said we can have a big breakfast over there" Massimo said and Alberto smiled in anticipation, Massimo put on some shoes and walked towards Alberto who was standing by the door impatiently waiting. Massimo placed his hat on Alberto's head, which made Alberto's smile widened if that was possible. The two left the house, Massimo locking the door before running after Alberto who had already started walking to the train station. Once they arrived, they boarded the train and sat down in there respected seats. The train blew it's whistle and started to move, Alberto never being on a train was intimidated. The train's whistle was loud, and the train moved fast. But soon enough Alberto got used to the movement, the train ride was long. Longer than Alberto would've liked, but it would be worth it. Once the train came to a stop Alberto froze, the nervousness finally kicking in. His stomach felt tight like he swallowed a bunch of air, his heart raced fast and his legs shook. When Luca saw the train stop in front of them he anxiously looked around at the people leaving the train, Alberto slowly stood and shakily waited off the train. That's when Luca saw him, they locked eyes and that's when they smiled. "LUCA!" Alberto yelled and Luca laughed and they ran towards each other, Luca's arms stretched open for a hug while Alberto ran towards him. Tears brimmed in Lucas and Alberto's eyes, they embraced into a tight hug and tears streamed down their cheeks. "I can't believe you're here!" Luca said in a shaky voice as they fall to their knees still hugging, Guilia looked over and smiled tenderly at the boys then at her father. "Papà!" She hugged him tightly wraping her arms around his neck and he held her with his arm, scales formed where Luca and Alberto's tears rolled down their cheeks. They stood up and Alberto hugs Guilia tightly as well, "Guilia!!" He says excitedly and the red head giggled and hugged back. "Nice to meet you ma'am" he said and held out his hand for Guilia's mother after letting go of Guilia, "to you as well, I've heard so much about you" she smiled and shook his hand. "Hungry anyone?" The three children smiled and nodded, Massimo walked over to them and awkwardly looks at Guilia's mother. "Don't worry I'm not going to bite you, this is for Guilia. That's it" she says sternly to the man when Guilia was out of ear shot, Massimo nodded. "I'm grateful, thank you for inviting us" the man said as they all walked to the car, "it wasn't my idea, it was Guilia's" the woman says and climbed into the car. The car ride home was loud and exciting, Alberto sat in the middle while Guilia and Luca sat by the windows. Guilia and Luca talked about stories from school, Alberto listened to both of them trying to divide his attention between to the two of then but he cought himself staring at Luca more so. Luca didn't notice however he was too engaged in his story, today was going to be a good day.


Hello!! Author here! I hope you liked this chapter, it was so fun to write sand I think it's adorable! Let me know what you think!!

Word count: 1014

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