Luca's Pov

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The week of the science fair is finally here, me and Guilia are nervous. But for different reasons, she says she is worried that our project won't be enough or will be to much. Although, I'm not worried about the project or school at all. I'm worried about seeing Alberto, I hate to say it but I'm honestly scared. It's like how you have a tickle in your throat, but in your stomach and your palms sweat and your legs feel like pasta noodles! I feel all these things because I think about Alberto, it started when we met but it's been really bad since I left for school. If I feel like this just by thinking of him, how will I feel when I see him? I was pulled by my thoughts when Guilia shook my shoulder,  "hey, ragazzo pesce, stai ascoltando? (Fish boy, are you listening?)" I jump in surprise and shake my head nervously, "sorry Guilia.. Could you repeat yourself?" I ask shyly and she rolls her eyes and turns to me. "Papà and Alberto are only staying one day, they're coming in the morning and they're leaving at night. Mamà says we can take the day off!" She says excitedly and I smile, "great! We better get going to school then" I say and put my empty plate in the sink, Guilia filled and I run upstairs to grab my bag. "Bye Mamà!" Guilia yells before walking out the door, and I follow.

The bike ride to school is uneventful, once we get to school I say goodbye to Guilia and walk to my classroom. I feel my feet run into something and I fall into the ground, my hands and knees catch me but now they're scraped. "Oops sorry!" One of the boys that make fun of me for being small and a sea monster, "no Guilia to hide behind now huh?" He says and crouches while I sit on my knees too afraid to run. He was much bigger and faster anyway, he waves his hand in front of his face. "Ugh! You smell, disgustoso!(disgusting) maybe you need a bath, ragazzo pesce!" He mocks and splashes his water bottle on me, revealing my fins and scales. My tail curls around me as I try to hide myself, but it's no use I was exposed to the whole school. Tears welded in my eyes as I felt humiliated and ashamed for the first time that I was what they thought I am, a monster. A teacher comes over to break everything up and try to get the by standers to go to class, the bullying happens occasionally but never this bad.  The teacher gasped at me figure but quickly calmed down, he grabbed my bullies ear and helped me stand. We both walked to the principles office in silence, I've been there before but never because of how I acted.

I've been sitting in the office for about thirty minutes while the principal talked to the other student and his parents, I guess word gets around fast here because Guilia rushed into the office obviously upset. I was given some other clothes to change into since my uniform was soaked and that would stop me from changing back, "Luca! Are you alright!? what happened to you!" She said and grabbed my arms while looking around my body for any cuts or wounds. "I'm okay, just a bully." I grab her hands and forced a smile, she knew that I was faking so she hugged me tightly. I wish Alberto would've been here, he would've stood up for me. I hug back and tears weld up in my eyes, "what happened?" She asked and my tears spilled. Scales formed where my tears fell, "he just splashed me with water, no big deal." I said thinking that I shouldn't feel so humiliated for just changing into my different form, Guilia furrowed her brows together and walked over to a desk with a woman typing on her computer. I didn't hear exactly what they said but Guilia came back looking satisfied, "I just got us a day off, let's go get some ice cream." She smirked and I smiled at her, "thank you" she really was such a good friend.


Hello! Sorry if this chapter it's a bit short! Author here and thank you for reading! Sorry to drop a tiny bit of angst on you, but the story needed some spice! I hope you enjoyed, expect another chapter coming soon!  (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

Word count: 759

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