third person pov

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The morning was bright and vibrant since the rain had only stopped falling hours ago,  the world seemed almost more colorful to the underdogs.  Alberto had slept like a rock the night prior,  he slept soundly only because he knew that the police had caught Ercole. The curly headed boy even slept in a little,  but that was about to bite him in the behind since he had to wake up early and go to Luca's house.  Luca's parents had asked Alberto to come over while the parents went to court for the Ecole case,  so he could watch Luca and make sure he was fed and watched over. They made sure that everything was set in its place so Alberto could easily get Luca what he needed, they spoke to him over the phone and told him the schedule which he of course wouldn't follow and make the day up as he went.  Luca's parents were worry warts anyways.

Alberto rose from his bed with a groan as he started to wake up, the sun had already rose and was cascading light throughout Alberto's room. The curly headed boy looked at the clock on the wall and gasped, he went wide eyed and adrenaline shot through him.  If he didn't leave now then Luca's would be late to court,  Alberto quickly got dressed before running out the door to go to Luca's house.  It seemed Guilia and Massimo were already gone, probably on their way to the court house. Alberto ran up to the front door of luca's house very out of breath he knocked weakly, he waited for a minute then someone answered. It was Daniela,  "hello Alberto, please come in" she stepped aside from the doorway to let the scrawny teen through. "We'll be back around three to five pm" Lorenzo said as Alberto walked into the living room seeing that everyone was rushing around trying to make sure that everything was in order,  "if you don't leave now you'll be late,  don't worry everything will be fine." Alberto says getting everyone's attention,  Daniela smiled and hugged Alberto then put on a series face.  "Let's go kick some tail" she says and grandma and Lorenzo  nod and they all walk out the door,  "be safe!" Alberto calls after them and Daniela smiled lovingly at the curly headed boy. "You too" she said and closed the door, her being the last person out. Once Alberto was alone in the living room, he decided to run upstairs to check on Luca.  Alberto saw that his door was closed so he carefully walked over and knocked lightly, "come in" Alberto heard from the other side of the door. Luca had just woken up and was laying on his side so his back was to the doorway,  Albert slowly opened the door and smiled glad that he had the chance to see his friend today. "Morning Luca" Alberto said and Luca turned over in his bed looking to see who it was, the two boys smiled at each other and Alberto walked towards Luca's bed sitting down on the edge of it. "Good morning Alberto,  I'm assuming my parents are gone?" Luca said and Alberto nodded looking around the room. "Hungry?" Alberto asked and looked at Luca who seemed to be drooling at the thought of food,  "starving" Luca says and then looks around his room.  "But id prefer to not eat in my bed"Luca says remembering when his mom tried to feed him in bed and it spilled all over his sheets and everything had to be washed, "don't worry I'll walk-" Luca started but was cut off by Alberto.  "Nope! Your mom said to not let you walk around"  He said and stood off Luca's bed and put his hands on his hips thinking,  when Alberto gets an idea he smiles and scoops Luca up in his arms.  One arm hooked under his back one under Luca's  legs, or simply put; bridal style. "Wh-Alberto!" Luca says in shock as he's picked up so swiftly almost like he weighted nothing,  "yeah?" Alberto asked then realized how he was carrying Luca.  His cheeks turned red and Luca's seemed to be pink as well,  "Let's go eat" Alberto said and started to walk downstairs. "Ah!" Luca yelped and wrapped his arms around albertos neck in fear of being dropped,  this made Alberto blush beet red.   When the two got downstairs Alberto sat Luca down on the couch.  "Whatcha Hungry for Luca?" Alberto asked and looked around the kitchen,  "anything, you're eating too right?" Luca asked and Alberto shook his head and his mouth shrugged.  "Nah, I wouldn't wanna eat up all your food.  Besides this meal is your for you" Alberto says and he rubbed the back on his neck,  "what? You should eat too!" Luca says and huffs getting slightly annoyed that Alberto would even say that. "No Luca! I'll be fine" Alberto huffs back, not wanting to eat for the fear he might eat something that someone else wanted to eat.

After arguing over food and after cooking it,  both boys sat on the couch with a bowl of soup in their laps. "Thank you Alberto" Luca says before shoving a spoonful of soup on his mouth,  Luca grabbed the TV remote and turned on the TV and flipped the chanel to a movie that was half over already.  "Of course " Alberto replied to his friend,  Luca yawned and finished his bowl of soup.  "You sleepy?" Alberto asked and Luca shook his head not wanting to go to bed just yet,  Luca wanted to stay up and hang out with Alberto. A thought rose to Alberto's head and his cheeks turned bright red,  "you can lay on me if you're tired" he says trying not to be too bold with his words.  Luca nodded and blushed slightly then sighed to himself, he slowly slid down and layed his head in Alberto's lap.  Alberto turned bright red and looked away put a hand over his mouth,  Alberto's heart started beating extremely fast.  Luca's cheeks were also bright red but he was facing the TV so Alberto couldn't see it, the two boys watched the TV in a somewhat awkward silence. The couple on the TV were kissing in the rain and then laughed and spun around,  this scene reminded Alberto of when they met on the first day of summer when they hugged and spun around. Alberto smiled and then looked down at Luca then blushed dark red again, "I've always wanted to have something like sounds so nice" Luca breaks the silence and it makes Alberto jump slightly almost forgetting that the smaller boy had his head in his lap. Alberto's mind races a million miles a minute,  his brain telling him that now is the right time but his gut said to wait. "Uh..yeah, me too.." Alberto said and then tried to change the subject,  "your hair looks so perfect all the time" Alberto says and runs his fingers through Luca's fluffy hair.  Luca giggles and turns to look up at Alberto, "thanks!" He says and then turns to the movie again.  Alberto blushed and put a hand over his mouth take a shaky breath,  Alberto kept playing with Luca's  hair while taking shaky breaths.  "That feels good" Luca hums while his head is scratched and massaged,  Alberto's shaky breathing returned and he smiled sheepishly.

After Luca fell asleep in Alberto's lap the curly headed boy stood up and carefully picked up Luca, Alberto walked upstairs  with Luca in his arms.  He carefully layed Luca down in his bed,  Alberto made sure to tuck him in and make sure he was comfy. Alberto blushed down at the sleeping boy and smiled tenderly, a thought came to Alberto's mind but he quickly shook it away and began to walk back downstairs but the he looked back at Luca. Alberto wanted to do this for so long,  he bit his lip nervously and looked around. "Here we go" Alberto said and walked towards Luca and leave down their faces very close, Alberto looked at Luca's lips. He desperately wanted to just smash his lips onto Luca's to get the tension out of the way,  but he wussied out and leaned up. He placed a soft and tender kiss on Luca's forehead, to say; 'I'm here to protect you'. Alberto smiled and walked out of Luca's room, he giggled to himself and walked downstairs to clean up before Luca's parents come home. The fuzzy feelings were unavoidable tonight.


Woahie! Sorry for not updating sooner, I had to get a new phone and had friends come visit.  But I hope you like this chapter and of course thank you eljayalltheway for this amazing chapter idea and supporting my story from the beginning, love ya!! Thanks for reading everyone!

Word count: 1484

Summer Crushes (Luca x Alberto)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora