third pov

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The morning started just like any other, in Genoa the mornings were fun and loud as Luca was excited for school almost every morning. Today was no different, Luca bursted into Guilia's room and played an invisible trumpet. After the red headed girl stirred herself awake being a heavy sleeper she didn't jump or yelp in surprise, "Buongiorno Guilia! Your mom is making breakfast as we speak" luca spoke in an excited tone. Guilia smiled at Luca and giggled to herself, Luca's energy seemed to be contagious. "I'll be down in un momento!" She said rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Luca nodded and walked downstairs to see Guilia's mother standing over the stove humming softly to herself. "Buongiorno, Luca. How did you sleep?" She asked softly, not turning around but she knew that Luca was there. "Oh, Buongiorno. I slept okay, I'm nervous about next week though." The brunette boy shifted as he sat down at the diner table, "don't be nervous, you'll do great! Oh and there's a letter on the table for the both of you" she said finally turning around with a plate of French toast.  Guilia was now walking down the stairs and over to the table, "Buongiorno Mamà, breakfast looks amazing" Guilia chirped and looked at the stack of French toast on her plate. Guilia didn't like syrup it was too sweet for her liking and it was very sticky and hard to clean, Luca on the other hand loved syrup and was currently drowning his breakfast in it. After everyone finished eating, Lucas grabbed the letter from the middle of the table, it was from Alberto. It had been a few months since Luca started school, and when they started wonting
Writing to each other they weren't to good at writing. Alberto couldn't really understand writing either, let alone Luca's new vocabulary. However, Alberto quickly learned to read and write by Massimo and was able to write his own letters to Luca. The brunette boy opened the letter and Guilia leaned over to read it over his shoulder, Luca smiled warmly as he read it.

Dear Luca and Guilietta,
Life in Portorosso has been crazy, every morning me and papà wake up and go fishing. Today we caught so much we had leftovers and sold to the whole town! There are flowers everywhere, papà says it's spring time. The sky leaks a lot but it's nice to watch it too, we finally finished moving my collection into my new room. How's school? Have you made any new friends? We miss you guys so much, I cought Papà sitting in your room Guilia I think he misses you a lot. Ercole hasn't been seen since the race, it's nice not having to worry about him anymore. A few days ago some kids invited me to have a swim race with them, they thought they could beat an actual sea monster! They didn't, I beat them by a lot. But somedays I really miss you guys and I don't talk or leave my room much, but when I'm sad I draw pictures of you guys and I feel a little better. I've been practicing, you should send a drawing back and I'll hang them up in my room.
I miss you Luca, love you sis.
Sincerely, Alberto.

Luca smiled and looked at the envelope which had a drawing from Alberto, it was true he has gotten better. After reading the letter Luca checked the clock on the wall, sharks! They were gonna be late if they didn't leave now! "Guilia we gotta go! velocemente! (quickly)" the two jumped up and ran upstairs to grab their back packs, Luca put Alberto's letter on a pile on his nightstand and the picture on a cork board.  Then the two ran downstairs and out the door, "Ciao Mamà!" Guilia hollered before closing the front door and hoping on her bike. The two quickly rode to their school, "I'm gonna write to Alberto about the science fair, you should write to your dad" Luca said and Guilia smiled agreeing with him. The science fair would be next week Thursday and Luca was very excited, their project was about the solar system since it bright Luca great joy. Guilia thought that Luca's joy was contagious so she was happy to base thier protect on the solar system, they had finished in a week early but it looked amazing to them. They just hope it was A + worthy, once they arrived to school the bell had rung and they were tardy for their first period. Luca huffed as he locked his bike on the rack and ran inside, Guilia didn't have many classes with Luca sadly but they did have science and astronomy together. Alas those were not the first class on the day, Luca's first class was some maths class he didn't quite understand and Guilia's was advanced English. "Ciao Luca!" Guilia called as she ran upstairs to her class as Luca stayed on the first floor, not everyone in their school was accepting of him being a sea monster but he did find some friends that thought it was the coolest. His anatomy teacher loved his scales and colors especially, they even did a lesson on sea monster anatomy. Luca even taught the teacher a few things, that day was quite fun even if some bullies pushed him into the big fountain in front of the school. Some people were afraid and some even started talking to Luca for that reason, but every time a bully came around Guilia was always there to stand up for him. School life was quite an adventure.


Hello, author here!! Y'all can call me moss if you'd like, or just author. I hope you liked the first chapter, I'll try to write another chapter as soon as possible. Thank you for reading if you read this far! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡

Word count: 989

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