Alberto's pov

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As the months turned into weeks and weeks turned into days, I slowly started getting even more impatient than ever. No amount of drawing, writing, or singing could distract me. It was the day that Luca and Guilia would return from Genova, after visiting them I was very sad to leave and grew even slightly depressed for a few days.  But papa told me that the moon and stars that I look at when I can't sleep, they are the same stars that Luca and Guilia sleep under. Me and Luca can watch the fish from anywhere in the world even if we're far apart we'll always be together, we always were. I rose with the sun with a smile on my face, not sleeping a wink.  I threw my thin blankets off me and onto the floor and stood up quickly then tumbled because I stood too fast, I threw my bedding back into my bed and walked down the hall into the bathroom. After I did my business and brushed my teeth I walked downstairs softly singing to myself, I seemed to do that now now. Since I found it I had a singing voice. I see Papà waiting for me, I smiled at him. "Bongiorno" I say and he nods ruffling my hair was I get closer to him, "let's go" I say and run out the door after grabbing the hat that Papà gave me. After a short walk to the train station we arrived to see Luca's family, "hello Alberto, Massimo" Daniella waved at us I waved back with a smile almost unable to contain my excitement.

"What about that one?" I ask pointing to the third train we've seen this morning, "no" he said and I grumbled in annoyance. "Remember what I told you, patience ragazzi" Papà said and I nodded with a pout. After another however many minutes, I heard another train whistle. I gasp and look over at Papà and he smiles and nods, I look over at Luca's family who stand up and begin to start looking around the sea of humans. I watch as the group of people rush of the train and away from the station, I start to feel that fuzzy feeling in my heart again, I see Guilia I smile wide and so did she. She runs up to us and hugs both of us tightly, while me Papà and Guilia's share a hug Luca is sharing a hug with his family. After the hug I look over to see those familiar brown eyes that make me feel like my legs would give out or my heart would explode, he looks over at me and tears brim in my eyes. "Alberto!" He yells tears spilling from his eyes as he run towards each other I couldn't control the sobs now, he's finally home. We tightly embrace and I rest my face in the crook of his neck sobbing into him his skin turning green from my tears as he rests his head on my shoulder, I feel him shaking from crying. I smile and then laugh, I wrap my arms around his waist and spin around. He laughs while the happiest tears roll down his cheeks and onto my shoulder, after we let go of each other I look him in the eye and he looks in mine. The fuzzy feeling in my heart make me almost explode, "you're home!" I say and everyone joins us all in a big group hug. "This calls for the happiest of celebrations, Luca and Guilia are home!" Massimo says and Daniella nods agreeing with him, "dinner at our place, then?" She asked and I see Luca and the rest of his family nod. I smile at Guilia and Papà, they smile back and Papà nods to us. I felt Luca grab my hand and rub his thumb across the top of it, my cheeks feel warm and my heart beats fast. I shyly hold his hand back and smile sheepishly to myself, it feels almost normal. We all walked in town together, some people greeting Guilia and Luca some just waving. "Now, Luca you go with Alberto and have some fun. Just be safe! We'll work on dinner, be back before sunset" I hear Daniela say and Massimo nods agreeing that the three of us should spend some time together, "thanks mom, I love you!" I heard Luca say and we all run down the street in a fit of giggles. Me and Lucas hands still intertwined together, this is going to be the best summer ever!


Aaaa they're home!! I'm so glad a lot of you are liking this story, it's so fun to write! Thank you ask for over 400 views!! I'm so grateful for all of you, also I'm sorry this charters a bit short I hope the fluff will make up for it (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

Word count : 822

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