third person pov

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The months didn't exactly fly by, it felt like it would be years before Luca and Alberto would see each other. But eventually it was the month of the last day of school, it just a month Luca and Guilia would be back in Portorosso. The months leading up to this point were slow and uneventful, for all three of the kids. Of course getting the awards for the science fair was fun, but it didn't distract Guilia and Luca from missing their friend and father. Alberto didn't send a letter to Luca and Guilia for a week which made Luca worry, Alberto only didn't send one because the thought of Luca and Guilia made him very sad. But after sitting down with Massimo and taking about everything, which was heard for Alberto to do at first. Eventually the curly headed boy decided to sit down and write a very long letter to Luca and Guilia, it was five pages to be exact. Front to back. Luca adored this and cried while reading it, the first year apart is always the hardest.  Luca and Guilia say together and wrote him back an equally long letter, Luca also of course included a letter for his family as well. Alberto went to deliver it to them as soon as he could, Daniela, Lorenzo, and grandma Paguro were very excited to see Alberto and read the letter.

Just a week now, time seemed to be flowing faster and the closer the time got to school ending, the more excited to boys got. It almost distracted them from the fuzzy feelings in their hearts, almost.  Luca's bullies hadn't bothered him since Alberto came to town, thankfully.  Guilia's also been more protective since Luca decided it was best to open up about them, all in all his first year of school was the most fun and sometimes the worst he's ever had. Besides from meeting Alberto and Guilia. Over the months while the three waited to see each other again, Guilia and Luca had each gotten very good grades. Guilia of course got A's and Luca got B's only because it was good first year at school, he did surprisingly well for his first time. It helped the fact that he was a very fast learner, Alberto had volunteered to be a life guard at the beach since it was getting warm again and Massimo suggested singing to distract him from missing Luca and Guilia, he decided he was going to save it for something fun him and Luca could do this summer. Of course he missed his little sister but he couldn't get his mind off Luca, Alberto drew and sculpted many things to give to his not so quite adoptive sister and best friend. Luca was gifted a Polaroid camera for his birthday and started taking a new pictures of things for Alberto to draw, he wanted to save the film for this summer however. So he could take them with him to Genova and also leave some for Alberto, when it was only a few days till the train for Portorosso Luca and Guilia began packing all of their Belongings and saying goodbye to their friends at school. While they did this Alberto worked his butt of and cleaned the whole house and sold and caught as much fish as he could, Massimo was very proud of Alberto's work and rewarded him with some gelato. When it was the last day of school Luca and Guilia celebrated with their friends in classes instead of doing any school work, the teacher's days goodbye to the students and hoped that Luca while be returning next year. Luca of course, says he'd love to come back next year. Guilia and Luca made sure to get their tickets the night before the ride to Portorosso, none of them got any sleep they were too excited about being united again. As soon as the sun rose Luca was practically running out the door but, Guilia's mother stopped him and made him eat breakfast first. They had eggs and bread and butter, Guilia's mom gifted Luca some socks since his feet were always cold, he gifted Guilia a new beanie and a scarf for Alberto.

"Goodbye Mamà, ti amo (I love you)" Guilia said as they arrived to the platform, the train they would be riding stopped in front of them. Tears welded in Guilia's eyes as she hugged her mother tightly, "I wish we could all just be together" Guilia whispered to her mother. "Someday bambina ( baby), but today is not that day. You have fun this summer, I love you." Guilia's mother spoke sadly and kissed her forehead then Guilia's mother looked at Luca, "come here, you get a hug too. I'll miss you too, have a good summer Luca" the mother says and Luca smiled and thanked her before hoping on the train after Guilia, Luca sighed deeply when he sat in his seat on the train. He couldn't believe that his first year of school was already over, he was finally going back to Portorosso. Back to where all of it started, Guilia was looking out the window at the trees and scenery while she mentally prepared for the long train ride.  Luca mentally prepared for something else, Alberto. He was very excited, so much so that he didn't want to make a fool of himself when he first got there. He was very excited to also hear that his parents finally moved up to the surface after being persuaded but Alberto, of course he always had a place in his heart for the ocean but the surface was more his speed. Luca's family moved into a house right by the beach so they could visit family and have easy access to the water, time seemed to be slower on the train. It always seemed to be slower when you want time to pass faster, but soon Luca would be back with everyone he loved.


Hey guys!! Author here!! Thank you for reading! Also THANK YOU FOR OVER 300 VIEWS!! I hope you like this chapter and expect some shenanigans from these silly kids in the future!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

Word count: 1038

Summer Crushes (Luca x Alberto)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang