Dalton and I nodded before we stood up from the chairs. As soon as we walked out of Aaron's office, Dalton and I hugged each other tightly before walking back to our separate offices


"Are you ready?" Dalton asked me

I looked up from the paper I was writing on and see he had his bag ready

"Uh, yea one sec" I said

Sometimes Dalton and I drive to work together to save gas. He lives super close to me, so it's not that big of a deal for either of us. Today, Dalton drove us.

I made sure to turn my computer off and put everything inside my desk

"Okay" I smiled walking to him as I grabbed my bag as well

He nodded and we walked to the elevator together. The familiar elevator music was playing around us

"Did you finish editing the pictures?" He asked me as the doors opened

"Yea" I nodded

"Okay" he smiled

We walked out of the building walking side by side together. I watched as Dalton made it to his driver side

"Unlock the door slow poke" I said

"Be patient" he said

I playfully rolled my eyes as he doubled clicked on her car keys button, unlocking the door

"Hurry up and get in" he said as he closed his door

"Be patient" I mocked him

"You can walk home" he said

"No I can't. Dakota will kick your ass" I said

I watched as he thought for a moment

"Damn it, I hate when you're right" he said

I laughed as he started the car and drove

"Do you think it's going to be hard to sell that house?" He asked me

Deep down, I know dalton always worries about not being able to sell something. That's his biggest fear, not getting the job done. So if he needed reassurance, I was going to give it to him

"Of course not. We're damn good at our job" I said he took his eyes off the road for second to look at me and give me a weak smile

"Not to mention, we can do anything together. We've sold all the other houses together, we'll be able to sell this one" I said

He nodded

"Yea, you're right. We got this shit" he said

"Damn right Gomez" I said

He laughed as I turned the radio up a little

"This song reminds me of you" he said turning it up a bit more

I listened carefully as I heard sweater weather playing

"What the hell? Why?" I asked

He shrugged

"I was on tik tok one time and I saw someone say that's it's the "bisexual anthem" whatever the hell that means, but it's a easy going song and it calms me" he said

"So it reminds you of me because I'm bi?" I asked

His eyes went wide

"No, no, no. That's not what I meant. I meant-" he started to ramble

"I'm kidding. I get what you mean" I laughed

"You asshole" he said

I laughed once again as he pulled into the driveway of my house

"Thank you" I said referring to the ride

"You don't need to thank me. Tomorrow you're driving though" he said

"Deal" I nodded

"I'll walk you to the door to make sure you get in safely" he said

"I got it" I said

"Nope. My family and I have been looking out for you and your brother for years. Why would I stop now?" He asked

"Fine" I said giving in

He nodded and unbuckled his seat belt as I did the same. We walked to my front door together and I pulled my keys out, unlocking the door

"Okay, goodnight" he said once I stepped foot in my house

"Goodnight Dalton" I said

"Remember, you're driving tomorrow, so pick me up" he said

"Gotcha" I laughed

"Okay, love you" he said

"Love you too" I replied

We shared a quick hug before he walked back to his car. I made sure he got into his car okay before closing the door. Once he was sure my door was closed and locked, I watched as he drove away

I truly am grateful for Dalton and his family. If my mom never met his, then we never would be best friends today.

Pushing my thoughts aside for the time being, I walk to my kitchen to see what there is to make. Once I settled on some spaghetti, I grab a pot and put some water on the stove to boil. Once my water is on the stove, i walk back to my living room and sit in the couch, sighing as I sat down. I turn in a random channel as my phone pings. I slightly lean over to look at phone in the coffee table and it said "arianagrande is going live" I laughed at myself and quickly sent a quick text to Dalton


Ariana Grande is going live on Instagram. That never happens

Joining right now!

I knew you would

I laughed and went to Instagram to join her live as well

"Heyy guys" I heard her soft voice say as soon as I joined the live

"Oh my god, there's so many people" she laughed

She wasn't wrong, there were. The comments were going absolutely crazy, it was hard to read them

"Holy shit" she cursed

As I laughed at her shock to having many fans in her live, a comment caught my eye. Dalton had said "this gurl cute" I read his comment before screen shoting it so I can tease him about it later

"Okay, this is too much, I have to go. Love you" Ariana said before ending the live


Was that gurl cute or what?

Shut up


I'll kill you

I'll tell Dakota

You're a snitch

And you're a bitch lol

Fuck you


With that, I set my phone back down on the table and walked to the kitchen to check my water.

One day, Dalton will thank me for that screen shot

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