Extra Help

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(Nico's POV)

Sitting in my cabin, perched on the edge of my bed, I sharpened my sword. The rhythmic shrik shrik shrik of the sharpening stone created a rhythm, my breaths falling into step with it and Will's.

Will was laying on his back, reading a medical book, flipping through the pages slowly, even though he knew just about everything medical-related.

The sunlight caught his bright blue eyes, and it showed the sparkling flecks inside of them. You couldn't see them unless he was in the light like this, or if you were really close to his face.

Dam it di Angelo, stop staring at him.

My eyes flicked to my sword again, and I shook myself mentally.

The light danced across him and made him look all the more peaceful as he turned another page. The whisper of it was almost drowned out by my sword.

He looked up through his lashes lazily, and I looked back down quickly. A warmth crept up my neck and face, and I cursed myself for my pale complexion. It always made my blushes more noticeable.

"Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer," He chuckled as I glared.

"Shut up, Solace," I grumbled, feeling my face heat up more.

He laughed again until I smacked him on the back of his head.


I snickered when mist popped up in front of my cup of water. The cup that Will insisted I drink to stay hydrated. *eye roll*

Wonder Woman's face bore worry and fear. And this is not an emotion that waltzed across her face every day, and I felt my heart rate spike.

"Son of Hades, Son of Apollo, we are in need of your help. Seahawk has been gravely injured, and you must come quickly."

Percy said we would only be called if something were to go very, very, wrong. And by his standards, very, very, wrong is just... well, you know Perce.

"How bad is he," I sheathed my sword, twisting my ring around my finger.

The smooth inside from twisting it so much helped ground me, and I stood up with Will.

"He was shot in the chest with some type of magic and he was cut on the face with Riptide," She glanced from us to something in the background, "we need you immediately."

Will nodded, "Of course, we'll be there as soon as possible."

I sliced my hand through the cold mist, disconnecting us, "Will, I can shadow travel us to the entrance. Remember what Percy told us when he gave us the secret tour of the Mountain?"

He brushed his golden hair out of his eyes as we ran, "Yeah, there was a med bay there, and we have to wear masks, but I need to grab my kit first."

Booking past campers, they saw our urgent faces, and immediately moved out of the way.

They didn't know what was going on, but they knew it was important.

I tried to calm myself, it wouldn't do well to get worked up, it would be easier to help Percy if we stayed composed.

Our feet thundered across the ground, and I slapped a black domino mask over my face, adjusting it quickly.

It fit snuggly on me with a part of a skull painted onto it. The mask itself seemed to have melting and dripping edges, almost like melting wax, in a way.

When Percy gave me and Will these plain masks, he told us to have free reign over the design of them. Make them have a part of our personalities and style, to make them us.

Son of Poseidon (PercyJackson x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now