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Sneaking in behind them, I winced at every little sound they made.

Every shift of weight created a creak in the old boards, every step made a soft yet most likely noticeable sound, and their whispers were like gunshots in the darkness.

For a secret stealth team, they weren't the stealthiest, and it seemed Robin though so too, glaring at them.

Moving forward, ditching them, I followed Robin, coming up behind him silently. I opened my mouth only to snap it shut.

If we talked, we would be heard, so we had to use other means of communication.

At Camp, there were some campers who arrived, who were mute or deaf. We had to learn how to communicate with them and used ASL. I learned it in my second year.

Robin, being Batman's son, was taught it a couple of years ago as one of his languages...

I transferred my weight behind a crate, before shifting my fingers silently, "I can vapor travel in and out, see how many guards there are."

"Make it quick."

I did as told, letting the feeling of the water particles in the air wash over me, and imagined the area I wanted to go.

Popping up a couple of yards away, tilting my head, I counted their numbers.

That's a lot of people.

Taking a smooth breath, I came back to Robin, "There are a couple of dozen guards, not quite sure how many are outside. We need a plan, we can't take them out with their sheer numbers."

A swirling feeling started to build up in my gut, and I had barely enough time to pull Robin further into the shadows.


We both whipped our heads around to the sound, before hearing shouts and a full-out brawl.

Robin paused before turning to me, and I could hear YJ struggling.

I didn't need to be able to see them around the corner to know they lost.

If they were paying attention and were quieter, there wouldn't have been a problem.

"They were ambushed, we need to consider our options before proceeding," Robin frowned.

My first real mission and we had to save them. 

Granted, I wasn't cleared to go, but let's focus on the "team got captured" part.


Climbing into the rafters, the musty scent from the roof clung to the inside of my nose, and the dampness made the wood slick.

If we made one wrong move, we would slip and fall, no matter how much training we had, it wouldn't save us if we went splat.

We would have to go over the options to take, but we couldn't before seeing where the others were.

Carefully made our way across the wooden supports, voices drifted from below us.

"He said that he'll be here soon. He wants to see that we actually got them, he thinks we're stupid! But we did and tied them up, speaking of which we should check on them again," He paused before huffing, "This better get us a raise, he always pays us average, but with Young Justice in our hands..."

Bragging about capturing them was funny. Little did they know they were missing two of us entirely.

Their voices faded as they moved on, and we followed, being led right to the room they were imprisoned in.

But something was wrong.

They weren't tied in place with anything, yet they didn't make any move to escape.

Robin seemed to notice too, when the door slammed open, shaking the room.

"Look what we have here! Glad the shock collars are working for you, mi amigos."

I gritted my teeth.

Things just got a little more complicated.

Great. *sarcasticthumbs up*

Son of Poseidon (PercyJackson x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now