Museum of Art Awesome

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(Dick's POV)

Percy invited Dami, Tim, Jason, and I into his room. We all stood there, dumbstruck, in his doorway.

Percy, sitting cross-legged, added finishing touches to what looked like a giant seascape painting on his wall. The wall that was previously blank, like, not that long ago.

"Tt, I did not know you could paint, as well as cook, Jackson."

Percy looked up at us, startled, "Sorry, I didn't see you there. Paintings a sort of release for me, to help me calm down. Anyways, I bet your all wondering why you're here."

He stood up, stretching himself like a cat, "I wanted to share some hobbies with you guys because I heard you talking about maybe showing me yours. So, here is one of mine." He gestured to the painting.

"Wow!" I breathed, "This looks like it could go in the Museum of Art. It's that awesome!"

Percy blushed, "Thanks, my cousin on my dad's side helped me out with my art skills."

Tim blinked, "I didn't know you had other relatives."

"Don't worry, they're distantly related," Percy smiled, but I could tell he wasn't telling us the whole truth.

Jason stepped forward, with a look on his face, the kind of look that said he was going to do something stupid, "How about we show you our skills and hobbies now?"

This was going to end badly.


We all stood in the gym, Percy, and Jason in the ring, all of us excited. Well, I was terrified, thinking Percy would get pummeled.

"So," Jason started, "we're doing hand-to-hand combat. I would use guns, but Dickie wants you in one piece."

Oh no, he was grinning like a mad man. What scared me more was Percy mirroring the grin. These two idiots were going to get in so much trouble.

"How about," I pleaded, "we do something that doesn't involve getting hurt? Maybe show him different non-lethal hobbies?"

Percy stared at me, "Dude, I can hold my own. I'm not gonna get crushed, I went to this summer camp that taught us self-defense and stuff, since I was twelve. They also teach you how to use a sword or whatever, they told me I was pretty good, but I don't know if I'm that good."

Damian's eyes snapped to Percy," Tt, you use a sword?"

"Yep," Percy said, winking at Dami.

"Tt, would you care to spar with me, Jackson? One on one, you using whatever sword you wish to use and I with my choice."


Oh boy, Percy was going to get killed by Damian, if he survived Jason.

"Are we going to start or am I going to have another birthday before we begin?" Jason scoffed.

They both got into their fighting stances, Percy's guard completely up, as was Jason's. I could see he didn't lower his guard for a second, their arms darting in and out, dancing around each other.

Percy was actually really good!

They went on, back and forth, for 15 minutes, Percy never tiring, and neither was Jason. They didn't drop their guards for a second until Jason made a mistake. Percy took his chance, darted quickly, sending a small jab, and took him down.

Holding him in a chokehold, Percy laughed maniacally, "I WIN!"

Percy: 4

The Wayne Boys: 0


Now it was Dami's turn to fight against Percy.

Tim, Jason, and I sat at the sidelines, Jason nursing the bruise on his shoulder (courtesy of Percy).

"Tt, pick a sword, Jackson."

Percy went through the swords, one by one, gently shaking his head at each in turn. He went through katanas, longswords, short swords, and broadswords. 

He moved to the next section and tested the backswords, curved swords, sabers, and daggers until finally, he picked up an old Greek-styled weapon. The sword, doubled-edged and sharp, was slightly leaf-shaped, with a leather-bound grip.

"I choose this one if that's ok with you Damian?" Percy asked.

Damian looked a little surprised at his choice, but masked it quickly, "Tt, if you even know how to use it. I only kept it because of its history, it is a Greek blade."

Percy smiled, holding the sword expertly like it was familiar, "The balance is a little different from my blade, I also own a xiphos. Mine's named Riptide."

Percy, once again, put himself in his position, and Dami followed suit. I called out start, and they both went at it slowly, testing each other's skills. You could tell that Percy was holding back, but Dami pushed him hard. 

They began to fight like wildcats, becoming a blur. We couldn't tell what the other was doing, they were so fast, neither willing to lose.

As soon as it started it ended, both with Percy and Dami on the ground.

"Dami, what did you do! You went full-out assassin on him!" Tim screamed.

I was terrified. If he killed Percy- no, I'm not gonna finish that sentance.

"It was an accident" Damian mumbled, blood dripping down his leg.

Percy, however, was stock-still and pale. He had a cut over his brow, his blood seeping down his face.

He was knocked out.

(Bruce's POV)

The boys came to Alfred, asking for assistance. They never acted so scared in their lives, something was wrong.

I raced through the halls, finally seeing them crowd Percy's doorway, "Where's Percy?"

The boys turned around, pale, as I yelled. I was absolutely livid.

Damian had a cut on his leg, blood visibly soaking pantleg, "It was my fault father, I... I went into assassin mode. He was so good with the sword, I just... I just. It took me back to the time with my mother," he whispered the last two words, tears threatening to fall.

"Dami?" A voice called out from the room.

We all moved to Percy's bed, he was sitting on the edge, and looked up at me, "I pushed Damian too far, Bruce, it wasn't his fault. The look in his eyes was of fear, he was reliving something. You can't hold him to that."

I put my hand on Percy's unharmed shoulder, "It's ok, Percy. Everything is sorted out."

Then, Percy let out a puff of breath as Damian hugged him tightly, tears falling down his face. 

This surprised me, he never cried. Not for anything.

"I am so sorry, Percy, I am ashamed of my actions." He whispered into Percy's chest, "I thought... I thought I killed you and it... it scared me."

Percy's eyes filled with guilt, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you so far. You don't need to worry, I'm right here, I'm fine."

Damian just buried his face deeper into Percy's shirt, "So you do not hate me?"

"Why would I hate you?" Percy asked incredulously, "You're my little brother, Dami, I couldn't ever hate you. Not in a millennium." 

Son of Poseidon (PercyJackson x Batfam)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن