Tsunami at The Pool

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(Percy's POV)

I wanted to go out as Seahawk, but I couldn't. I was still injured badly from the kidnapping incident, and it wasn't a good idea to try anything "super" tonight. It would just be too plain stupid, even for me.

I dragged myself out of bed, waking myself up. (Well, not waking up I just really couldn't sleep) I still had nightmares about when I was taken, even if it was a little over 2 weeks ago.

Healing took time, so I thought to speed it up further. The pool always helped, so maybe it would heal me more than the ambrosia and nectar did. I mean, the godly foods did help, but I could only have (and it could only do) so much. Besides, the water was very calming in my opinion.

I limped to the pool and locked the door behind me, as I smiled at the water. Standing at the water's edge, the moon's radiance reflected off of its surface and bathed me in its soft light.

I swirled my fingers around in the cool liquid, feeling my finger bones shifting, mending. Soon enough, I slipped the rest of my body in, letting a light laugh escape my lips. It's been a while since I used my powers, no one's let me leave my room ever since the incident and I've been under a watchful eye.

I decided to start small, working my way up: I lifted a ball of water and molded it, turning it into different people that I knew. The people that I lost. Soon, I froze, the figure of a girl unexpectedly forming.

My Annabeth, my favorite daughter of Athena, my one and only.

"Hey, Wise Girl, how've you been," I spoke freely, "I know you'd be mad at me for getting hurt like this, but it's ok. I'm healing myself right now, and you're probably thinking about my mental health too. It's going well, the Wayne's have been helping. You would've really liked them."

I dropped the water and it splashed me in the face, as I smiled, describing them all, "Tim is smart like you a real computer whiz, Jason kicks butt and likes to act cool, Damian is really caring once you can see past his act, Dick is a really good gymnast, and Bruce is Mr. Dark and Brooding but loves us in his own way."

I laughed again, changing the water to make a life-sized pegasus, an exact replica of Blackjack, before I slipped back into the pool, letting the water into my lungs. She really would've liked them.

I started to form waves, moving to make a mini cyclone of water, and then a bigger one.


I dropped the gallons of water, splashing the person behind me. Oops.

Of course, Jason decided to pick-lock the doors to the pool tonight.

I waved my hand sheepishly, "SOOO... how much of that did you see?"

"I was here since you made the horse-thing." Jason spluttered, as he whipped his wet hair out of his eyes.

Well, crap.

(Jason's POV)

I got up, trudging through the halls, to check on Percy. Each of us was supposed to check on him, using a schedule to take turns every night. Tim usually got Mondays, Bruce got Tuesdays, Dick got Wednesday, Alfred got Thursday and Sunday, I got Friday, and Damian got Saturday because of school nights. But, because everyone else was out on patrol, it was up to me, even though it was Tuesday, and not my day.

However, when I made it to the room, Percy was missing. Well dangit.

I raced through the halls and checked the kitchen first, but he wasn't there. The only other places he would be, would be the gym and the pool, but he wasn't in the gym. So, he must've been at the pool.

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