Easter Special!

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A smile crept to my face as screams became accompanied by banging. It was quite annoying, but on the plus side, at least they didn't wake me up.

You're probably wondering why they're screaming for my head to be on a stick.

Well, last night I woke up to a nightmare again, one of the worse ones about the seven, and it really shook me up. I won't go into the details, it's still too painful, but I decided to prank the guys to take my mind off of it.

While they slept, I struck, and they no doubt figured out I messed with them. But, I have to say, I think this is one of my better pranks. No doubt about it.

Percy: 6

Wayne Boys: 0

Hopping out of bed, slipping a shirt over my torso, I popped over to the door. The handle was always cold in the morning, and speaking of handles, I remember the time Jason electrified it, and Damian got... right, sorry, getting off track.

Opening the door, icy-sharp metal pressed against my throat, as I screamed in their faces, "Happy Easter, ya' dorks!".

Damian pressed said knife closer to my throat, "Tt, what did you do to us, Jackson."

Wow, they were fuming! I mean, I guess I would be too if someone temporarily adhered pink bunny-ear headbands to my head.

"Is some-bunny mad?" I couldn't suck in my giggle as I placed my own pair of pink ears on, without the adhesive of course. :D

It seemed to be the last straw as Damian threw the knife down, almost impaling my foot, and launched himself at me. Good thing for demigod reflexes, I would prefer to live to see tomorrow, not die by murderous 13-year-old.

Tripping over them, I booked it, they were hot on my tail as they chased me throughout the manor.

You know, it's a really good thing I memorized the manor so well, I wouldn't have known how to get around, being only a couple months into my stay here, and if I didn't then I would've been dead for sure.

I glanced over my shoulder, they were really mad, but good thing I'm mostly faster than them, "By any chance, are you guys egg-sausted with chasing me yet?"

Tumbling into the living room, the boys finally tackled me, "Guess that's a no."

There was also no doubt the fall was going to leave a bruise on my chin, but it's nothing a little water can't fix.

Opening my eyes, I could see shiny-black dress shoes, and one of them tapping itself impatiently.

Without skipping a beat, or looking up, my muscles straining to hide my smile, "Hoppy Easter, Bruce."

I could hear him sigh as he jerked me up by my shirt, Jason screeching, "How! How did you get him too, Perce!? He's FREAKING BATMAN!"

I winced at his high pitch, muttering, "Who's the pterodactyl now?"

"Percy," Bruce gave me The Stare.

I stifled another giggle, "I'm all ears, Batman."

At that exact moment, Bruce's pink bunny ear flopped over, sending me into fits of laughter.

Aren't Easter pranks the best?

"Why, Percy, did you glue bunny ears temporarily to our heads."

He was using his "I'm Batman" voice. The best outcome would be to run away, but he had me by the scruff of my shirt, so no chance.

Son of Poseidon (PercyJackson x Batfam)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat