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"That is... an intriguing story," Damian said, but as I did with Jason, I kept most details of the wars out of it, "but these wars, I understand their importance, but I am confused, why was your father's punishment passed onto you?"

"I don't really know, guess the Fates wanted to ruin my life," I yawned, "now let's go to bed, that story took up like, 4 hours of my beauty sleep."


My dreams weren't that bad last night, granted they were still demigod ones, but they weren't as bad.

Wandering to the kitchen, I found a tired Tim by the coffee machine, "Hey, Tim, how much sleep did you get last night?"

"A solid 5 hours," He high-fived me, "that's like, a miracle."

I grinned at him, as I snatched a bagel, "So, what are you up to today?"

"Nothing much," He answered, "oh hey, do you know why Dami looked so smug last night?"

"Nope," Yes, cause' he figured out my secrets.

"Oh, kay," He swallowed the last of his coffee before refilling it, "do you have any plans today?"

"Yeah, yeah I do," I thoughtfully fiddled with Riptide, "I'm going to confront my past, it's about time to try."

"Do you want some support," Tim walked over to me, his eyes holding an understanding look, "or is this something you want to do on your own?"

I paused, "You'd really do that for me?"

He nodded and I shyly smiled, "Thanks."

It was time to let go a little, even if I couldn't all the way yet.


The sun beat down warmly on the graves, and a cool breeze ran through my hair.

I looked up at the sign, taking a deep breath to calm myself, "Νεκροταφείο των πεσμένων."

Cemetery of The Fallen.

Tim motioned to me, "I'll be right here if you need me."

Mindlessly nodding, walking across the perfectly cut grass, I wandered through the rows.

I knew you, and you, and you, and you, and you too...

Halting in front of a semi-circle of headstones, I softly dropped to my knees.

"Hey guys," my voice caught in my throat, "I'm sorry I haven't been by, but I thought I should try a little harder."

My sad laugh cut through the silence, "I'm sure all of you are screaming at me to get a grip, but it's hard. I know, I'm being stupid."

Fingering the flowers in my hands, I placed each of them on their graves.

I got a purple flower for Hazel, an orange one for Frank, a red one for Leo, a gold one for Piper, a yellow one for Jason, and a grey one for... for Annabeth.

I felt tears prick in my eyes, but this time, I let them fall.

It felt good to cry.

(Tim's POV)

Percy drove us all the way to New York, which took around two hours before he parked the car by a gate.

He didn't get out immediately and seemed to hesitate.

I placed a hand on his shoulder, and he smiled weakly as we got out.

He led me to an entrance to what appeared to be a graveyard, the sign being written in Greek

I could sort of understand it because I learned Greek in my second year with Bruce, and I looked back at Percy.

This felt like something he needed to do on his own, and he needed support, but distant support for it.

Doing it was never easy.

I motioned to him, nodding encouragingly, "I'll be right here if you need me."

I watched him enter, muttering some words in Greek, as he knelt by 6 graves, a short distance away.

I turned away, giving him his privacy, and, spotting a bench by the entrance, I sat.

I remember the day we first met Percy, a couple of months ago, when he was at school.

He seemed much different now than back then.

His eyes didn't seem as heavy, even if they still seemed guarded, and he smiled a little more.

It was funny though, Percy finding out who we were so quickly.

I also remember the first time we fought with him, with his insane Greek style and...


I'm an oblivious idiot... 

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