Sea Hawk

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I relished the feeling of making a difference as I jumped from rooftop to rooftop. I'm a superhero now, or at least I'm trying to be after I got permission from the gods. That was a couple of weeks ago, and it was a perfect day in my books.

So far I stopped 5 muggings, 2 robberies, and saved a child from being kidnapped on my patrol tonight. I was going to finish up when I heard a scream. It sounded like a little girl. 

I swung from the roof to the fire escape, seeing a girl of 6 years old: Cecilia. My little Cecilia, the one I tried so hard to protect from the Shervile's, and now she was in trouble. 

I could feel my face drain of its color as I watched her being chased by a hellhound.

"Cecilia," I shouted, "keep running, I'm going to help you!" She didn't turn around, but ran faster, only stopping when I finished the hellhound off.

I brushed the gold dust off of my chest, checking 'Cilia for injuries. She had a cut arm, so I wrapped it up tightly with bandages. She looked up at me, scared when I realized I was still wearing a mask. I was dressed like a superhero.

"Cecilia," I whisper, trying not to scare her, "It's me, Percy." I slowly take my mask off, smiling at my little girl.

She started to cry, "I thought they killed you, I thought you were d-dead."

"No, I'm not dead," I pressed her hand over my heart, letting her feel its beat, "see? I'm fine, I'm safe. I found some people to stay with and they're really nice. But do you know why you were being chased?" I asked her.

Continuing to sob as I held her close, she sniffed and nodded, "I had a dream telling me I was different."

I frowned at that, who would send her a dream? Maybe her parent? But that seemed like a stretch, thinking about how demigods normally interacted with the godly side of the family.

"There's a place where you'll be safe," I sighed, remembering when I first ran to Camp, "it's this camp that I know that you can run to.

She looked ready to cry as I held her close, "W-where?"

"It's called Camp Half-Blood, those of us who have godly heritage are protected by a barrier," I ran a hand through my hair, thinking, "and I'm going to take you there."

"How," Cecilia wiped her eyes, "what if more monsters come?"

I hesitated, "Well, I have an idea. I'm just not sure if I can do it."

"But," I pulled her onto my back, "I might just be able to pull it off."

"I know you can do it," Cecilia grinned toothily, watery eyes steeled, "because you're Percy!"

"I do have my good luck charm with me now," I shook her gently, smiling wide at her belief in me, "so don't forget about you. I couldn't do a thing without you."


"You betcha," I took a deep breath, "now let's try this little thing called 'vapor travel'."

I began to stretch out my senses, feeling each particle within my reach, feeling the water in Cecilia and I's bodies. I heard her begin to speak but all I did was grin and concentrate. 

"But what's vapor- woah!"

(A while later)

Down the alleyway, on my way home, I could hear gunshots and fighting, so I naturally decided to follow the sounds.

Another superhero, dressed up in a red helmet/mask and leather jacket, shot off his guns at two goons. He aimed to hurt, not to kill, but I could tell he wanted to not hold back. More goons arrived, and Red was getting overrun.

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