What Is This?

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(Percy's POV)

I groaned as I opened my eyes, worrying silhouettes above me.

I panicked again, I couldn't remember, it was just like with...

Like with Hera.

"Seahawk! I am so glad you are okay," Miss Martian laughed.

I almost sobbed in relief.

I wasn't alone.

A ringing went through me as I clutched at my head, hissing, "Why does it hurt?"

"We do not know," Robin started, grief flashing briefly across his face, "but we need your assistance. The others... the others are gone. All that remain is me, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, and yourself. The Justice League is gone too. Fa-Batman, Red Hood, Red Robin, Agent A, Nightwing... they... they all..."

He turned away, angrily brushing away a tear, refusing to let anything out.

I felt something inside me snap again, and this time it left me emotionless like I wouldn't be able to pick up the pieces again.

Wrapping my arms around him, mumbling his name, I steadied him.

"They can't be gone, they can't," He whimpered, sinking further into my chest.

Something else stirred inside of me, something stronger.

It was telling me this wasn't real and I felt the need to snap out of It. I was forgetting something life or death important.

I was just imagining it, I chided myself, I gave myself a similar talk when the Seven died.


I shook my head, getting rid of the voice in my skull, determination bubbling up inside, "What do we have to work with."


I could feel myself go frostily numb but refused to succumb to it, as Kid Flash spoke, "Robin has a plan to blow up the ships that are attacking. We'll have to get out quickly, but it should work and stop the invasion."

I turned over the extra details they gave me, coming up with backup scenarios, "Okay, so what do I do?"

"We need you to enter the mind-link," Miss Martian started before Robin finished.

"Kid Flash and I will infiltrate the mothership and set a number of bombs. We will need you to stay with Miss Martian, she cannot be by herself if something else were to happen. It is best to keep our forces evenly grouped as a safety precaution."

"We will be on the ground waiting for you," Miss Martian started to tear again, before whispering as they left, "Is this what it felt like for you Seahawk?"

I nodded, looking away from her terror- and grief-stricken face, a tear threatening to slip down my own.

The grass turned dead, the dirt made everyone's movement sluggish, and Gaea's cackle rang across the battlefield.

I chose to slip into leader mode, and once again, I felt my own voice yell at me through my skull.


I could feel the truth to the statement, but wake up from what?


We were on the ground, waiting for the others to get out when we were attacked from behind.

The aliens had numbers, but we had experience and powers.

I let all of the anger out, the sadness, the grief, and knocked many of them down.

Son of Poseidon (PercyJackson x Batfam)Where stories live. Discover now