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Vapor traveling to my room, I quickly tapped my ring, making it disappear off of my body, revealing my jeans and hoodie beneath it.

Quickly racing down the stairs, I stopped before the dining room doors.

Bracing myself, I opened the door and smoothly went to my chair.

It looked like dinner was halfway over already.

I could feel everyone looking at me, but I coolly ignored them, placing some mac 'n' cheese on my plate.

And it wasn't the regular mac 'n' cheese, it was Alfred's mac 'n' cheese. It had the bread crumbs on top and everything.

It was the best mac I've ever had.

My eating has gotten better since coming here, too, and it's almost normal again. I'm grateful the guys and Bruce and Alfred have been helping me.

Sometimes, when I was a little hungry but didn't go to eat, they would hand me a snack or something an...

"rcy, Percy!"

I blinked, looking up at Bruce, "What?"

Bruce sighed in exasperation, "You zoned out again, I was asking why you didn't call like you were supposed to, and why you were late to dinner."

"My phone died and James didn't have his on him, there wasn't a payphone nearby either."

Dick swallowed his bite of food, "Who's James? What's his last name?"

"James Grey's a friend I was visiting, we used to go to school together. It was funny, we first met when we got detention together, I kept zoning out in class and he fell asleep for the millionth time."

Damian scoffed, "Tt."

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he flung a forkful of his food at my face.

"Dude," I ducked, "how dare you waste Alfred's precious food. IT'S A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY."

At this point, we both had small grins on our faces, as we threw balled-up napkins at each other.

Standing up abruptly, shoving the chairs to the floor, he ran after me as I threw an evil grin over my shoulder, "Can't catch me!"

Tackling me to the ground, I wriggled out of his grip and ran to the pool.

Racing to the water, I dove into it, clothes and all.

He stood at the edge, "Tt, that is foul play, Percy, and you know this."

"What do you know," I tried to splash at him, but he dodged, "Dami."

"Tt, I will tell you what I know, I know you are masquerading as the vigilante Seahawk."

I felt my face blanch, "Tt, I would not expect you to keep such a secret from me. I find everything out, Percy, I am not a child."

Pulling myself out of the pool, I instantly dried myself, before leading a confused Dami to my room.

Picking my phone off the bed, I pulled up my text chats.

Clicking on the chat labeled "Bucket", I typed quickly

Me: need u in my rm.

Bucket: why

Me: its imprt trst me.

Bucket: fine

"Tt, who are you texting," Damian walked over to my photo box, looking at the different pictures, "and why did you bring me here to your room."

My door slammed open, and then shut again, "What the crap do you want, Perce."

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Damian figured it out."

"Oh, so the demigod thing, or..."

I groaned, cursing, "No, the vigilante thing, dummy."

"Tt," Dami sneered as Jason's eyes widened, he must not have realized Damian was in here, being as quiet as he was, "I figured that out too, Todd."

He then turned to me, "I would have notified you, but you dragged me here first."

I flopped onto my bed, letting out a puff of air.

"Stop acting like a Disney princess and sit up," Jason rolled his eyes.

"And how do you know that a Disney princess does that, Jaycee," I stifled a laugh.

"Tim and Dick made me watch the movies," He blushed, muttering, "They tied me to a chair."

I laughed, and Dami cracked the smallest of grins, "So, how long have you known about me, Dami."

"Tt, do not call me that," He half-heartedly glared, "and I figured this secret out when you teleported out of the room during the middle of the night. When we were all located in your room."


I could just imagine the other demigods smacking me upside the head for such a dumb move.

"Well," I clapped my hands together, "one less person to figure it out. I'm surprised Bruce didn't yet, I mean Alfred knows, but seriously."

Damian rolled his eyes in disbelief, "Father has not discovered this yet?"

"Nope, he's unaware," Jason laughed.

"And how does Pennyworth know this, did he figure the secret out as well?"

Alfred told me I was allowed to tell them about him too, if it came to that, but not yet, "Yeah, he knew as soon as I came here, and he knows about the vigilante thing too."

He frowned, "Now you will tell me other information, and I did not believe your "James Grey" tale for a moment, as I was at the mountain as well."

"It's a long story," I started.

"I believe I have the time," Damian shoved Jason off the end of my bed, taking his place, "and I believe you have the time to tell."

Son of Poseidon (PercyJackson x Batfam)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें