Chapter Twelve: Injured (Zoë's POV)

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I awoke screaming, opening my eyes except everything was fuzzy and spinning.
"Woah hey it's ok, be careful." Percy's voice came from somewhere above me. My senses were slowly awakening, I felt a cold cloth on my forehead and a sharp pain in my back.
"W-what happened..?" I asked trying to rub my eyes.
"Something tore into the car... we fell don't here but.." his voice broke.
"Where are the guys??" He didn't respond. It's ok Zoë be strong. Don't cry you cry too much. You'll look weak Zoë don't-
I broke down. He placed a hand on my on my cheek and lay close, comforting me.
"I know... I'm here."

I'd stopped crying now. I drank some water that Percy gave me and I looked around a little. We were in a small cave which looked relatively safe and hidden but allowed sunlight to pass through. Percy had set up a little camp with some supplies we had left (which was a little food, probably not enough to last two days, some water and a sleeping bag with a blanket- which I was lay in).
There were a few medical supplies from my back pack (thanks dad-) but he'd used most of them on me from a couple of gashes I had acquired. I felt useless. I couldn't move.
"...Hey do you want some soup?" Percy asked from across the room, where he'd been setting up some kind of block from the wind and rain.
"I'm ok Percy, really. We should save it." My stomach rumbled.
"I'm making soup and you're gonna eat it." I rolled my eyes while he boiled it in some makeshift pan (I had to say I'm impressed.) and poured it out into a cup.
"It's your favourite as well."
"I've changed my mind HAND IT OVER!" He laughed and handed me the cup sitting down next to me, securing me into a sitting position. I drank it and he let me lean on his shoulder (I leant on his shoulder and he had to put up with it)

The next thing I knew I was dreaming. There were zombies everywhere. We had these cool ass guns but that wasn't the point. (it totally was.) Me and Percy were running through the woods shooting them down like bad asses but again that's not the point. I stepped on something metal and slipped down some kind of shaft. I heard Percy get confused and do the same thing as I mentally facepalmed. The bottom opened up into a room that looked a little like a modern war bunker. I got up and walked around, listening for danger when I heard something clang. I got my gun to the ready, and I woke up.

I woke, shooting bolt upright, gasping, my brow dripping with sweat. Only to scream and curse at myself falling back down. Percy dramatically looked at me.
"Are you hurt!? Do you need anything I have more supplies-"
"I'm- ok-" I gasped. He grabbed a few pills.
"Painkillers. Take them Zoë."
"I'm ok-"
"Your back is broken." He tipped my jaw back and opened my mouth, pouring some water in and dropping the tablets. I blushed a little.. not that I found it hot that he was caring and he touched me.... I- have no excuse I found it hot.
"Ok go back to bed now, I've got you." I blushed on what I was about to ask.
"C-can you stay with me..."
"I'm right here-"
"No.. closer keep me close... I'm scared.."
"Oh- okay." He said pulling me into his lap, resting his arms round my back.
"It's ok to be scared I've got you." I smiled at him. It all felt ok when he was here. I snuggled into his chest and let my eyes rest.

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