Chapter Eleven: Seperated (Ethan's POV)

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There was a loud tearing noise and a rush of wind flew into the car (or what was left of it) acting on instinct, i dragged Luke away quickly. I watched as the car burst into flames, then exploding and falling off the edge of the cliff. My best- only friends had just been blown to pieces and thrown off a cliff. I was in shock, but there was no time for mourning. There were zombies everywhere.
"LUKE GET UP!!" He looked at me, then the smoke and the cliff and nodded, dragging me up. I grabbed a tree branch staggering after him, even though the branch would probably be useless.

I was getting out of breath.
"There's too many of them!" Luke cried.
"I can see tha-" I went face first onto the ground.
"Ethan get up!!" I didn't move. "ETHAN!"
"My head...."
"We're surrounded we have to move!!"
"Where Luke, we're surrounded.." I sat up pulling him down.
"This is the end." He looked at me, tears in his eyes, and I did the most stupid thing I've ever done. (Which is saying a lot.)
I kissed him.

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