Chapter Nine: Chaos (Zoë's POV)

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I got out, trying to keep my face hidden in my hoodie as best as possible. I started to fill the gas, waiting patiently as it finished. I went to pay on the machine except, because my luck is amazing, it was out of service. Shit. I didn't need this right now. I signalled to Luke and walked to the doors nervously. I tried to look like an average citizen as I payed but I don't think it worked to well because the cashier gave me a funny look. I just kinda looked at him, turned and high tailed out of there. I made a dive for the car. "Drive." I croaked out. He sped way over the speed limit, causing me to feel glued to the seat. No one spoke as Luke searched for a little side road or something to keep us covered.

We eventually had pulled up somewhere and we stopped so suddenly I fell into Percy. He caught me with his caring soft grip.
"Hey there darlin', careful. How are you feeling?" I nodded at him.
"I-I'm ok..." I said back in a horse voice.
"Get some rest Zoë, I've got you." He said handing me a blanket and shifting me to the foot space area placing a pillow on his feet. I curled up resting my eyes a little. I clinged onto his legs keeping him close.
"If you need anything I've got you darlin'." He spoke softly. I nodded.
"Thanks Perc."
"Oh stop flirting." Ethan spoke from the front.
"How is this flirting I'm caring for her!!"
"Ahem 'darlin'" Ethan mocked.
".....That's nothing." I said hastily.
"Sure sure."
"Get some rest everyone. We'll figure things out in the morning." Luke said. I already felt my eyelids drooping as my body complied.
"Sleep I can do."

Apocalypse (A Perzoë story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora