Chapter Two: A Strange Virus (Percy's POV)

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We rushed to the hospital and gave Reyna to the nurses; although Thalia was reluctant. I sat in the waiting room while Ethan explained to the nurses what happened as Luke comforted Thalia. Zoë walked over and sat next to me, leaning on my shoulder. I could tell she was exhausted. "Hey, go to sleep if you need, you can trust me." She nodded and snuggled up against my arm and curled up beside me. I smiled and opened my emergency backpack, taking a small blanket and wrapping it round her. She looked so peaceful there, as if she'd been sleeping undisturbed for eons.

And oh so perfectly timed, the doors burst open. I sighed in exasperation as this swarm of strangely dressed people cascaded in and apparently saw Thalia as a first priority, as they grabbed her by the arm telling her she needed to go with them. "eXcUsE-" Luke began to say, but Ethan stopped him. "It's ok, they're here to help, she's at high risk of this virus Reyna contracted or something and needs to be kept in isolation with her, as do we but in a separate room since we haven't been as close to her." Luke nodded and was about to say something to Thalia- probably and 'it'll be ok' or something but she was already gone. The men led Luke and Ethan off and gestured me to follow. I picked up Zoë carefully, not wanting to wake her and did so.

The room to which they led us was plain, with full white floors and walls, and four beds also white in colour situated against the far wall. Luke and Ethan sat in their own as I placed Zoë down gently caressing her face. The men locked the doors behind us, and I knew it was late so I thought; may as well get some rest. So I lay back closing my eyes, letting the calming wave of sleep embrace me.

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