Chapter Thirteen: The Shaft (Luke's POV)

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"Ow!" I hit the floor with a thud.
"Wait... where are we?" I asked, looking around a little dazed.
"It looks like some sort of bunker... highly convenient, thanks fate" Ethan smiled and took my hand.
"Life isn't always so cruel huh." I wrapped him in the biggest hug I'd ever issued.
"Ah get off me! You're crushing meee!" I laughed a little.

"Okay so a kitchen/dining room in one, living room, storage, weapons and stuff and four bedrooms." I stated. "Could do with a little clean up though, restocking and we should be good." Ethan nodded. "Okay so we've got food and water to last a few days, I say we move the junk and set up some basics, like cupboards and beds then stick them after that."
"Good plan, what d'ya say we get some rest?" He nodded.
"I'm in." He replied yawning a little. "Night Luke." I smiled and lay down on the floor with my sleeping bag.

"Hey lazy! Guess who got some complicated stuff and needs help to set it up!"
"Oh gods." I sat up wiping my eyes. "Uhh but you probably shouldn't go out on your own though." He laughed.
"Dude you should've seen me out there I was amazing."
"Riiiiight. What do you need help with?"

About a few long exhausting hours we had wifi, a few pieces of technology - like cameras and phones - shelves and furniture set up and stocks to last a few weeks. (All stolen of course).
"Woah." I wiped my brow. "That was effort."
"Indeed." Ethan said. "I worked prettyy hard there."
"I did most of it!!" We shared a laugh and I looked at him.
"Hey we should probably make dinner." He stated.
"Wise decision." I started to chop up vegetables.
"But- you could've made pizza-" I smirked.
"Eat healthy dipshit." I laughed again, eating my salad. "No offence though," I said, my mouth stuffed. "You could do with a shower."
"Believe me I'm going to get one." He smiled. I took his hand.
"Hey..." he kissed me. I pulled him close kissing him back. He pulled away smirking.
"Salad breath."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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