Chapter Six: Alone (Reyna's POV)

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I woke up to see Thalia, and the inside of a cell.
"Oh you're awake, thank god!" She said, while stroking my face. I found this strange but didn't question it, as I had just been bitten by a deer and awoken in a cell.
"W-where are we?" I asked, feeling dazed.
"We're in trouble Rey... somethings wrong."
"Oh shit... wait Rey??" She blushed a little and I raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry... thought it was cute I guess.." she stammered quickly her cheeks flushing red. I smirked but I was still confused.
"Why are we.. um- y'know.. in a cell? Did you do something?"
"Rude-" she smiled, her pretty cupid lips shining in the dim light. "I don't know the people just led me off and... I can't remember past that. I just woke up here without context and you were healed but your leg looks infected. How is your walking condition? I feel like we should go..."
"I think I'm good... a little stiff though." I replied. She nodded and picked a hair pin out from her long black locks.
"How are we going to get out?"
"Well that's what I'm working on Rey-" she laughed. She twisted the pin round in the lock and I heard it click.
"Yes! Luke taught me well I see." I smiled and walked over. We stumbled out of the closest exit (which was strangely unguarded) and walked out into the car park.
"I'd best leave a note on Luke's car door as he has the keys." I nodded and she did so and took my hand, causing me to blush a little, which she happened to see and smiled at me.
"Come on, I'm pretty sure I remember the route back to the tent." I said back pretending not to notice.

About half an hour later we arrived back at the tent (thank god the hospital was only a five minute drive away)
"How long d'ya think the others will be?" She asked me.
"Not sure, hopefully it shouldn't be too much of a wait... but while we're alone what do you wanna do?"
"Hmmm truth or dare!" I laughed.
"I dunno, seems a little risky." She made the pouty face that I just couldn't say no to and looked at me with those electric blue eyes- so distracting.
"Ok ok, I'll play-"
"YAY! Ok your turn first truth or dare?"
"Hmmmm.... truth.. oh no-" she smirked.
"Have you ever been in love?"
"Uh well.... in the past or currently?"
"Well... in the past no... but currently I think maybe..."
"Oooo who!?"
"Thals- I- the question was have I not who." I laughed.
"Truth or dare?"
"Do you have a crush on Luke?" She made a gagging face.
"Ewww no he's my best friend that's gross!"
"Tell the truthhhhh!"
"I am!!!"
"Awww come on Thals it's so obvious"
"I can prove I don't like him!"
"Oh? Go ahead." I smirked. Then she did something unexpected. She leapt over onto my lap and kissed me passionately. I was stunned for a moment, but I kissed back.

I woke up shaking uncontrollably.
"Rey? Rey what's wrong!?" Thalia's panicked voice came from next to me in the sleeping bag. I tried to speak to find I couldn't. My throat felt dry and I had this intense headache that made my ears ring. My stomach felt like it was about to drop everything and I started to gag. Thalia turned on the light trying to help me but she didn't know how. She looked down at me, tears in her eyes as I started to throw up and oozing black liquid. I felt my head hit the floor, and then I didn't.

Apocalypse (A Perzoë story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon