Chapter Seven: The Apocalypse (Percy's POV)

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It was now morning as we stumbled out to the car, panting and blinded by the sun. I flung myself into the back seat, dragging Zoë as Luke floored the pedal with Ethan in shotgun. Luke had taken some piece of paper with writing on it and folded it into his pocket, but my mind was too preoccupied to think about it.
"Ok so what's the plan?" Ethan asked a little out of breath.
"I think we should go back to the tent and pack up."
"Then what? We can't go back home, we'll be wanted and the government will stop at nothing to hunt us down." I replied.
"Maybe if we just explain to my dad-"
"Zoë he's not going to believe you." Luke said. The car fell silent.
"We'll.... we'll figure something out. Ethan said."

We got out of the car and immediately flung the outside storage crates into the trunk. I started to hear shuffling but I ignored it, thinking it nothing since no one should be in there. I watched Zoë go inside to grab blankets and not a few seconds later she screamed and leapt back into the car shouting us to do the same. We followed instruction as we bombarded Zoë with questions, to which she didn't respond out of shock.
"Hey it's ok Zoë it probably wasn't real, we're just all a little jumpy ri-"
Someone- no something- stumbled out of the front door. It was Reyna. There was black liquid all over her and she had a distant black look in her eyes, which were now just pools of black. She was closely followed by what used to be Thalia in the same condition.
"L-Luke drive!" Ethan yelled. He was in tears but he did so, shaking. I know he wanted to stop, we all did but we knew it was too late. They were already gone. They were zombies.

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