Start from the beginning

Soon enough his eyes landed on the bandage on your shoulder, "what happened?" He asked.

You ignored his question, "Do you know where's skeppy?" You asked.

He seems to stiffen at your question, he fell quiet. The events on the court room going back to his mind, with a glare he looked away.

"He's dead."

Your eyes widened and you can feel your heart skipped a beat, your face turned pale and you take a step back. Wilbur turn to look at you and quickly reword his wording.

"We- we didn't killed him! When our mens found him he was already beheaded." He stated as if it's the most normal thing to say.

"W-what?" You stuttered.

Wilbur sighed, "He came barging in on the middle of the trial and started shooting fireworks, he even shot tubbo in the face."

Your face paled even more, "T-tubbo?!" You exclaimed.

"After that he and bad fled, we sent our men to find them but they only came back with skeppy's beheaded head and his lifeless body. Bad was nowhere to be found." He explained.

You didn't know what to feel, whether to feel bad for skeppy or feel mad for shooting tubbo in the face. Your emotions were everywhere, you were overwhelmed.

Wilbur noticed your distrust and his eyes widened, "I- you just came back, you shouldn't be stressing. I'm sorry." He apologized.

You shook your head, "No... It's fine.." You replied.

He nodded, "Now- where have you been? You've been missing for days!" He exclaimed.


Techno walked in the hallway, his cape dragging behind him. He just came back with the search party and he's on his way to his room, his mind wander back to the cabin. The cabin was a mess, he got some of his men to clean and fix the cabin. It should be fixed by tomorrow.

As he was about to turn to a corner a girl catched his eyes, familiar orange hair, blue eyes and pale skin.

"Sally?" He spoke.

The girl jumped, turning around to see technoblade. When she saw techno she immediately bowed down, "Good evening, your majesty!" She greeted him.

He had known sally, they rarely talk but they still know each other. Whenever he would go out to walk near the nearby shore he would spot lune talking to a mermaid on the water, he was familiar with the girl.

And so he was also confused on why she was inside the castle.

And she have legs.

She can walk...?

Ignoring his confusion, "May I ask why are you here?" He paused, "Is lune with you?"

Sally stiffened and nodded, "Y-yeah- I was looking for him! Do you know where he is?" She asked politely

As techno was about to answer a voice boomed, "Sally!" The both turned to see lune at the end of the hallway. He then teleported to the two of them.

Lune bowed in respect and greeted techno a good evening, "Good evening, your majesty."

Techno noticed a scroll on the enderman's hands, lune then turned to sally. "Do you know where Y/N is?" He asked casually.

Sally's eyes widened and slapped a hand on lune's mouth, she peeked at the corner of her eyes to see techno's reaction.

His eyes were wide, his mouth fell agape. "Y/N?" He repeated.

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